Prevent Muscle Loss - Staying Anabolic for Constant Muscle Growth

 What Stops Muscles From Growing

Large increases in muscle mass take months to years of consistent training but are possible for most individuals. Overall, to reach your muscle-building goals, you must lift hard, eat right, and stay consistent.

When it comes to building muscle, requires attention and care. Eating right and properly, having a healthy routine, sleeping well, and having a stress-free lifestyle ensure muscle growth. However, if none of these aspects are aligned with your life, then read on.

Building muscle is hard work. If it was easy, everyone would be muscular.

Muscles require tons of nutrients/food, sleep, and exercise. You must prioritize all of those in order to promote muscle growth.

Food is important because that is what we retrieve our nutrients from, in order to nourish the body help with recovery and repair muscles, and build [new tissue/muscles] for growth. 

Without proper nutrients, you won't grow as efficiently or as effectively. Lack of nutrients and overall total calorie intake is a big no-no. 

Stay Anabolic for Constant Muscle Growth

By having a consistent schedule you keep the body in constant anabolism.

A lack of nutrients and a surplus of calories will not lead to muscle growth, but a reduction of muscle mass and strength. Food is important, and more importantly, the nutrition aspect. The overall calorie intake for the day is important for overall recovery and growth. If you aren't eating enough, you won't grow at all.

To Stay anabolic, you must eat protein and stay consistent with eating throughout the day. Don't overeat or indulge in foods; Just remain anabolic.

When you deprive yourself of food, you'll become catabolic; Meaning that your body is essentially starving, so it'll use its own body fat as fuel resulting in weight loss. For muscle growth, this is not ideal.

So, eating protein or meals every ~2/3 hours is ideal & recommended. (No junk food/processed Junk)

Little snacks/meals or protein shakes are good enough to stay anabolic.

The whole point of staying anabolic is to provide the body with enough nutrients that it does not have to retrieve fuel from its own body fat because it'll result in weight loss.

At the end of the day, it's all about overall calorie intake. If you're in a surplus, you'll grow muscle and weight in general. If you aren't in a surplus and in a deficit, you won't grow muscles; perhaps maintaining or losing muscle mass.

Nutrients such as Protein, fats, and carbs are not that important when it comes to overall muscle growth. That's because if you're in a calorie surplus, most likely, you've consumed your nutrient quota for the day. Most people actually consume enough protein and fats, and an excess amount of carbs, so, I doubt you'll have an issue with protein intake, etc.

By being in a calorie surplus, your body has no choice but to grow. From this, remember, now you must work harder to continue to promote muscle growth.

Provide Progressive Overload, have proper sleeping routines, and stay consistent with that.

From doing all of this, you won't lose muscle, you will only grow muscles.

This is the way to go about when it comes to muscle building or bodybuilding.

Also, Remember, More is not always good. If you're working out excessively to continue to promote muscle growth - you're doing it wrong. Your body needs time to fully recover. You need an adequate amount of rest and sleep to ensure efficient recovery. Hindered recovery will lead to fewer gains.

1) Proper Nutrition

2) Progressive Overload / Stretching

3) Proper Sleep

4) Healthy Habits

5) Stress-Free

6) Consistency

7) Rest/time off


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