Do ABs come from Steroid Use?

 DO you need Steroids to Get ABS?

Every "newbie" thinks you need to be enhanced in order to have a nice physique with nice abs. Well, is it true? Does Steroid help develop Abs? Do people have it easier when they're enhanced vs natural when it comes to having ABS??

ABS --  Abdominal muscles - Everyone has them

Yes, in fact, you do have ABS. Everyone has abs. There's no way that you do not have ABS. The reason why you don't "see them" is because you don't have low enough Body Fat in order to showcase them, to reveal them.

In Short; Steroids help develop Abs?: NO!

Can Steroids help maintain abs?: YES!

Reducing Body Fat To Reveal That Six Pack ABS

AS I said, Everyone has ABS. You just need to have low enough body fat to reveal your muscle definition.

If you have a lot of fat on your body, you will notice that your muscle definition and contours are diminished from the fat layers; So if you were to reduce your body fat (lose weight), you will start showing muscle lines, contours and definition.

Why People Claim Steroid Helps with Everything

Since steroids enhance every process and maximize the efficiency of growing and developing, etc, people assume that people with nice abs are using steroids to help with their development and maintaining it.

Why? Because achieving low body fat and maintaining that type of physique is very difficult, tedious, and draining.

Who actually likes training abs? Well, if you want nice-looking abs, you must train them. Prioritizing them is required just like you prioritize other muscle groups to maximize the growth.

Steroids do in fact help with everything. It'll be much more efficient and effective when using roids compared to being natural. Natural people have it harder because they have to DIAL IN everything in order to achieve what they want. Whereas steroid users can get away with some things, not many, but some.

They'll have an easier time becoming shredded and maintaining that physique. For a natural lifter, it'll be draining to stay shredded, etc.

Having Low Body Fat is no Fun

When you're becoming shredded, it's no fun for anyone. Sure, at first you'll love the shreddedness and the physique, but internally and externally, you'll become drained. 

Dealing with low body fat will make you skinny. You'll be a ripped mofo with abs. But staying ripped all the time, year-round can be unhealthy.

Staying shredded or staying in a low body fat range can be harmful to your health. Since you're restricting calories and nutrients, you may become anorexic and/or malnourished.

Depriving yourself of foods and nutrients to achieve ripped ABS can and will lead to malnourishment.

Thus will make you extremely tired, fatigued, foggy-minded, anxious, perhaps depressed, lose of strength, motivation, power, and the overall efficacy of your body's performance.

When becoming shredded, it's important (or even when Dieting), to prioritize and focus on healthy nutrients to properly nourish the body. You're wanting an optimal functioning body because when you're depleting nutrients and calories, you can become Ill fairly quickly.

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