About My Bone Disease "Osteogenesis Imperfecta" (OI)

Hence the name, "oi.strength" Eh? get it?..

About my Bone Disease (Oi)

(Oi) Osteogenesis impefecta is a bone disease

that affects me greatly on the everyday basis. I was born with this condition, I believe I have type 3 OI. Since birth, I've broken bones. Til this day, I've fractured less & less every year thanks to working out.

Ever since I was born, it was difficult for me to live life happily.

I was always fracturing if I wasn't caution; I was always on alert, my mom was always watching my back & I always worried if I was going to break a bone & sometimes out of nowhere when it's not obvious, I break bones which hurts me mentally. Growing up, attending schools, hanging out with friends has never been different for me. I always wanted to be with the 'normal people' & my mom always pushed me, embraced who I wanted to be/what I wanted to do. They never treated me differently from my brothers whom are normal (no condition). During childhood, that was my peak of fracturing bones. I've fractured so many bones & had so many surgeries that I couldn't keep track of how many I've had. I was hospitalized for days; My parents stressing which stressed me out; I was bed bounded for days, weeks; I went through depression; I've gained weight; I've lost weight; I've been mentally hurt. I've seen & experienced almost everything that a worst nightmare can present. Through these experiences, I've realized that life ain't nothing but a thang & that if you wanted to become better, life wouldn't grant you it, you needed to do it on your own & so I did. But what also kills my joy is that my activities are limited, I need to be extra caution depending on the situation(s). Sometimes I cannot go to certain places, Sometimes I'm left out.
Osteogenesis imperfecta will never go away. It affects me daily. I'm still cautions til this day about what I'm doing & what my next move is going to be. I never can settle & relax my mind (unless i'm resting) without thinking of my moves.
OI won't bring me down, it'll make me tougher.

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