Fat Gripz - The Ultimate Arm Builder

Fat Gripz instantly convert barbells, dumbbells, chin-up bars and exercise machines into THICK BARS.
@philheath using Fat Gripz
@philheath using Fat Gripz

Fat Gripz is one of those gym accessory

- that is necessary enough to purchase because it's useful for working out.

Fat Gripz is an accessory for weights/bars; its a small wrap but that wrap is THICK, making it hard to grip which is why it's here -- that wraps around ANY bar (dumbell/barbell/bars).

Fat Gripz is useful because it help strengthen your Hands, Forearms, biceps & most certainly, Grip strength. Many pro athletes use fat grips to maximize their performance & strength. Phil heath is one good model using fat gripz. Look at Heath's forearm's, they're massive. Probably the fat gripz accessory help.

Training other body parts while using fat gripz may not be necessary. For example, training triceps, chest, etc may not help train those muscle groups but rather training your forearms & grip strength. However, depending on your regime/goals, using fat gripz for all sets/reps/styles may be necessary for maximized forearm & grip strength. Grip strength is crucial for holding, maintaining & going up in weight.

In training, it'll help with (based on Fat Gripz):
Pull-Ups, Deadlifts & Bench Press | All Variations of Bicep Curls and All Axel Bar Training | Farmers Walks, Dumbbell Holds and other Strongman Exercises | All Exercises For Complete Muscle and Strength Development

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