21 Days of Juice Diet - Beneficial or Harmful?

 21 Days of Juice Diet - Beneficial or Harmful?

This Juice Diet for 21 days is going crazy right now. It's the new "diet method" that is being promoted all over the internet. Today, we'll dive into this dieting method, and determine whether if it's beneficial or harmful.

"The 21-day juice diet is designed to help your body rid itself of these environmental toxins."

The 21-day juice diet is designed to remove those toxins and adequately nourish your body at the same time.

How Juicing Works


Basically, you only consume nothing but liquids - fruits and/or vegetables only. These foods are very powerful to help heal and detox the body from harmful elements which can make us sick, etc. By juicing, it'll get rid of the toxins, and rebuild cells & tissues to a healthier state. So, yes, juicing is beneficial, but is it worth doing for 21 days?

People can live on juicing or eating nothing but fruits and/or vegetables. You have to know how much to eat because if you don't eat enough, you'll be low in body weight and that can be an issue.

21 Days of Juicing allows the person to completely detox the body, and rebuild itself.

It'll expose the ailments you have within, and it'll start healing the body with the nutrients from the fruits and veggies. Fruits & Veggies are powerful!

But be careful when attempting this diet method. People can become malnourished, sick, underweight, and/or... You can become vulnerable to a crash diet, which can make you sick.

Depending on how much food you've consumed prior to this juice diet, and if you go on a heavy calorie deficit or reduction of food intake, you can hurt your body. Reducing your food in a dramatic way is not good. To lose weight properly, the whole situation isn't to starve yourself, but to reduce your food intake a bit, and strive for healthier foods.

It takes time to lose weight, hence why this is a 21-day course. After that, it's all up to you to decide what you're going to do from now on. You may regain the weight or you may sustain healthier body weight. It all depends on your actions.

After the 21 days are over, I recommend to stay striving for healthier foods, staying healthy, and healing & detox the body from the toxins we consume & accumulate over time...

Avoid processed and junk food or keep it to a minimum, because these types of foods harm us in a way that we don't know and that will cause many complications.

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