Double Chin - How to Reduce or Eliminate A Double Chin

 Double chin

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don't have to be overweight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin.


Some people simply have shorter jawlines, making a double chin hard to avoid. Also, a weak jawline or chin can make your chin look double, even if it’s not. 

Poor posture

Poor posture can cause all sorts of health and beauty problems. Aside from neck, back, and shoulder pain, slouchy posture can weaken the neck and chin muscles. Over time, these weakened muscles lead to weakened and saggy skin. So, prompt your neck up, don't look too down, it'll appear as if you have a double chin.


As you get older, the elasticity in your skin starts to wane. This reduction in elasticity can make your skin get saggy and loose in your chin and elsewhere on your body. This loose, saggy skin under your chin eventually looks like a double chin.

Issues with Your body such as Thyroid

A double chin may appear out of the blue without you changing your diet or physical activity levels. This could be the result of an underlying medical condition. For example, having an underactive thyroid may cause the lymph glands to swell. This leads to the development of goitre, which causes your neck to swell.

How To "Eliminate Double Chin"

First off, go get examined if you think you have a thyroid or any other related problems, otherwise, let's continue.

To get rid of a double chin, you have to pinpoint what is causing this issue? Being overweight? Poor posture in the neck? Aging? Loose skin in general? We must find out before proceeding but you can try all the treatments to see and find out what helps with you.

1) Reduce your Body Fat

When you gain weight, weight grows and expands in many areas throughout the body. It just so happens that under your chin, lots of fat accumulates over time, so by reducing your body fat, you will reduce your double chin.

2) Exercise! Tone your muscles to tighten muscles and skin

When you exercise, you're toning up your body, muscles, and skin. If you're an inactive person and/or have weight gain, go exercise. Exercising will promote weight loss, resulting in a reduced double-chin, and if you stay consistent, it'll go away eventually!

3) Chewing! For stronger and toned jaw muscles (a better-looking jawline/taper)

Everyone likes a nice jawline, right? Well, in fact, if you do train your jaw, it'll help tone up your jaw, making you look slimmer, and it'll help reduce that double chin and the fat covering the areas surrounding your chin and jaw. 

4) Have a Better Diet

Some foods will cause irritations and unexpected weight gain. So I recommend everyone to have a healthy diet in place. That'll help avoid any issues such as gaining a double chin, or love handles, or whatever the case might be. And overall, it'll help promote a better life. Better performance. Improved recovery and much more. Having a poor diet just leads to diminishing returns and harmful consequences. not only that, but a poor diet will make you look a bit different - not as healthy or vibrant - whereas if you were to eat healthily all the time - you begin to glow, look different, and overall much healthier in all aspects of your body. The eyes, hair, skin, etc. 


This is the simplest exercise that you can follow, as it only requires you to smile. Smiling has a lot of benefits, and removing the double chin is one of its advantages. To perform the exercise correctly, clench your teeth while your mouth is closed, and then push your tongue on the roof of the mouth.


Puffy cheeks is a very simple exercise that would only require you to inhale a huge amount of air and storing it inside your cheeks. Think about a chipmunk that stores nuts inside its mouth. Once your cheeks started to puff, you have to press your palms on the side and tighten it slowly without releasing the air.

Hold the position for three to five seconds, before you release it. Repeat the exercise for five to six times, and try combining it with other exercises to help you reduce the amount of fat on your chin. The exercise will get rid of double chin as it tries to develop the muscles underneath the face with the help of pressure and muscle straining.


The next exercise that will help you get rid of double chin is called nose touching. The exercise is simple, and it will require you to touch your nose using your tongue. Stretch out your touch as far as you can, until you reached the tip of your nose.

The exercise is easy to do, and it will help you develop the muscles underneath your chin. Repeating this exercise multiple times per day will ensure that the fat underneath your chin will go away. Many people who have tried performing this exercise for weeks stated that they noticed the fats underneath their chin to dissolve gradually.


To ensure that you will be able to get rid of the layers of fat underneath your chin, you have to follow certain exercises. The Scoop is the first thing that you will need to do to ensure that the extra layers of fat under your chin will go away. The scoop is a basic exercise that can be done by anyone.

To do the exercise correctly, you need to open mouth. Then, roll your bottom lip over your lower teeth. Imagine scooping a mouthful of water using your lower jaw.

Then, close your mouth and try lifting your head while making sure that your lips are relaxed. This exercise will help build tension and pressure in your chins, and it will also stretch it out to become more elastic and sturdy. Repeating this exercise for five to seven times will help you get rid of the fat under your chin.

You have to gradually increase the pressure while pushing your tongue, and once you feel the tension developing, hold it for a few seconds. The tension felt inside the mouth is a signal that you are performing the exercise effectively. Perform the exercise multiple times to see the effect after a few weeks.

If you have loose skin, you can either try exercising to tighten the skin. Try some neck exercises. Jaw exercises. Also, improve your diet and lose weight if needed. Being overweight will cause a double chin.

However, if you have loose skin and cannot tighten it on your own, try seeking medical help. There are many options to choose from when it comes to tightening the skin. 

Thyroid issues may be the problem, but go get examined by a Dr just to be sure.

Having a poor posture, always looking down or hunching can cause and have you appear to have a double-chin.

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