How Diet Programs are Made

Dieting programs are made by personal experience and knowledge. It takes one person to experience the journey to get the results they're wanting. No one would know if that specific diet method works unless you try it for yourself. This is how dieting programs are designed or made; by experience, knowledge, and experimenting.


** Talking about Fat Loss and Unrealistic approach when it comes to losing weight the proper way**

Let's talk about the Carnivore Diet for example.

The carnivore diet is a meat-only diet, restricting and limiting carb intake and only focusing on animal products. Meats! What is the purpose of this 'carnivore/meat only diet?' Well, since you're limiting CARBS, that is the main thing we're removing from our diet, the carbs. Many people in today's society end up consuming too many harmful/junk carbs which leads to weight gain, so by cutting/removing/restricting carb intake, your body has no choice but to lose weight because you aren't excessively consuming these harmful carbs that makes you fat and unhealthy.

The point of a diet is to remove/avoid/restrict/limit certain foods that make you gain weight. IF carbs are the enemy of your weight gain, then you should refrain from eating loads of carbs and only focus on high protein intake to promote weight loss, since and considering that a high protein diet improves metabolism resulting in weight loss.

Typically, most diets will restrict some type of nutrients. Whether it is: Fats, Proteins, or Carbs; the whole purpose is to reduce your calorie intake to promote weight loss.

You can literally design a diet method that places you into a calorie deficit and claim it to be effective and healthy. 

Another example is the Pickle Juice Diet for Fat loss. What in the hell?!? Pickles for fat loss? Yes, drinking or eating pickles can help with weight loss. But for the pickles diet to be effective, you must also focus on losing weight. Be in a calorie deficit, restrict certain nutrients, and workout. Well, since you're consuming pickles, you may refrain from eating junk food so therefore, the pickle diet method is effective since you aren't indulging in junk foods.

Whatever works for you, to avoid and refrain from eating junk foods - stick with that diet model. Not all dieting methods will work for everyone. Some diet methods are unrealistic. Some are super unhealthy and cause many health issues down the road. However, if it works for you, it works. I find that if I want to become shredded, I have to go about the Keto diet, but the keto diet isn't very healthy nor sustainable for me, for my lifestyle, So, I would only go on the Keto diet for a couple of weeks to reduce body fat, and from there, I can easily control my calories without staying on the keto diet for months or years.

If the pickle diet is working for you, then it works for you. However, if you're only eating nothing but pickles, that is a problem. You're missing out on other vital nutrients. Protein and fats and carbs for example and other vital nutrients.

Nutrients are key when it comes to Health and optimizing health and performance overall. 

You do not need to necessarily avoid/limit certain nutrients to lose weight - no. People do that because it makes them stick to the goal - and considering that they're avoiding certain nutrients means that they probably do not have that (food/nutrients) within their kitchen/fridge so, therefore, they cannot indulge in carbs or any junk foods.

To simply lose weight, all you need to do is control your calories. The more you eat, the more weight you'll gain. The less you eat, the more weight will start coming off. Now, You Do not Starve yourself. Simply reduce your calorie intake about ~300-500 from your average calorie consumption

Example: Total calorie intake for the day: 4,000. 

Wanting to lose weight (calorie deficit) 4,000 - 400 = 3,600 calories.

Stick with 3,600 until you see weight loss, then continue with reducing calories to lose more weight.

Not all people will create an unhealthy dieting program. But it is much harder to find a healthy and realistic approach. And that's because it is much harder to convince people to go about it. If you have an absurd, unique method, people will fall for it. It also depends on the individual - Researching the right coach/trainer/diet model is recommended.

Sometimes, people create diet methods to make money. Sometimes, people take advantage of people who have no clue about Dieting, nutrition nor anything related to that field. So, therefore, they can make money easily by convincing you that THIS diet method works BECAUSE it worked for me! Check out the testimonials if you don't believe them*sarcasm*...LOL.

The Fitness industry if fulfilled with geeks, nerds, manipulators, and much more. When you're going about fitness, bodybuilding or working out, research is required whenever you're wanting to buy supplements, coaches, or even methods such as dieting methods, bodybuilding methods, and so forth.

Essentially, people, diet methods are personal experiences with dumb ideas or maybe it isn't dumb, but if you're restricting certain nutrients to its fullest, then you're missing out on a lot of growth and optimizing health and performance. 

Diet fads:

A fad diet is a diet that is popular for a time, similar to fads in fashion, without being a standard dietary recommendation, and often promising unreasonably fast weight loss or nonsensical health improvements.

-keto diet


-5:2 diet

-dash diet

-mind diet

anything that is somewhat unrealistic, non-sustainable nor recommended can be a "fad diet."

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