Lose Body Fat While Building Muscle!

Building muscle is easy, but is it possible to build muscle while losing fat? How if you need Calories in order to build muscle? Let us find out.

When you go about losing fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Your body needs to burn more energy than it consumes. So reducing your food intake on a daily basis will put you into a calorie deficit phase. When your body is burning more energy than it's receiving, as a result/consequence, the body loses fat over time.

Building muscle requires working out, proper recovery, and efficient food intake in order to sustain muscle mass. If you're severely underfed and/or malnourished, you won't maintain muscle nor build any muscle, and in fact, you'll end up becoming catabolic, which means that you're going to lose muscle.

So, the question is, can you lose fat and build muscle?

The answer is yes. But if your goal is to become huge, and develop lots of muscle mass while trying to lose fat, it won't happen.

To begin losing fat and building muscle simultaneously, you need to understand your body, and how many calories and protein it needs. 

To do this, you have to be in a SLIGHT calorie deficit. You cannot go too much into a calorie deficit because then you will lose muscle.

The key is: Balancing Protein, Calories, and Workout.

Once you've found the sweet spot for losing fat and building muscle, you're locked in.

Every day will be different. That's why it's important to understand how much food your body needs in order to sustain muscle mass and continue promoting/developing muscle. 

You have to reach your calorie quota every day if you're wanting to maintain the losing fat and building muscle aspect.

By consuming too much food, you'll accumulate fat gain from that. To lose fat your body has to burn more energy/calories than it receives/consumes. The calorie deficit approach is the best because that will simply drive weight loss, then along with working out you'll burn additional calories, therefore, losing body fat, and this will help you keep yourself shredded/losing fat while building muscle.

It's very difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. It takes years of experience and knowledge when it comes to dieting and proper-nutritious nutrition. Working out is easy, but manipulating calories, nutrients, and workout protocol can be tedious.

Losing body fat and building muscle will require strong willpower. You must go about sacrificing a lot of things such as eating certain foods, not overeating, etc. It is hard to continuously reach your protein & calorie quota on a daily basis. That itself requires discipline and commitment. Bodybuilding & nutrient manipulation is hard enough, so be careful & wise about what you're doing.

You cannot be too underfed/too much in a calorie deficit. You simply won't maintain the amount of muscle mass you have and will begin to lose mass overall due to insufficient amounts of calories and perhaps even protein.

Protein is very important. You must have a high protein intake in order to promote efficient recovery. Protein is what maintains and builds muscle. Without protein, your body won't able to maintain nor promote the process of building muscle. So, protein is vital, especially when you're trying to lose fat and build muscle AT the same time. 

Useful tips for Losing Fat

Utilizing the Keto Diet

The Keto diet will put your body into ketosis which will utilize its own Body Fat as fuel, resulting in weight loss over time. This dieting method is very effective & efficient for promoting fat loss and staying with the fat loss process.

Also, using the keto diet may place you in a calorie deficit, since this diet is a restricted diet; You cannot consume any carbs, which may reduce your calorie intake drastically.

Go on a High Protein Diet

A High protein will be helpful to help burn additional calories because when digesting and breaking down proteins, it requires a lot of energy, so as a consequence, your body burns more energy at idle when utilizing a high protein diet method.

It'll also keep you full for longer compared to eating carbs and fats.

& it'll help place you in a calorie deficit, since this diet may reduce your food intake because typically people whom are overweight usually eat a lot of carbs & fats. 

Track your Calories/Food intake

Tracking your food is the best way to know & understand how much food your body needs. And by using a calorie-tracking app, it'll give you a breakdown, and an analysis of your diet and nutrition. This is important to examine because you get to know your nutrient intake, and whether to go for more or fewer nutrients such as increasing protein or not. 

Tracking food is important for beginners because you get to realize & understand how much food your body actually needs. For building and maintaining muscle. For losing weight. To optimize bodybuilding, etc. 

Useful tips for working out

Do not over workout. 

If you do, you won't recover nor build muscle properly. You need to give your muscles a break. They need rest. At least 24-48 hours in between sessions for proper recovery. If you trained heavily or intensely back to back, then you need a few days off for a full recovery. People who utilized roids can get away from training every day, or training hard every day. 

Have enough Protein to sustain, repair, and build the tissue that has been damaged, and to develop new tissue[muscle]. 

Protein pre and post-workout is needed when it comes to losing body fat and building muscle.

Improve muscle building, recovery, and performance.

Get Deep Quality Sleep on the Daily basis

Sleep: Replenishes energy and repairs cells, tissues, and muscles.

You need deep-quality sleep if you're wanting optimal recovery, and building muscle potential.

At least 6-8 hours on a daily basis for full efficient recovery.

If you have a poor sleeping schedule/regime, then the potential of building muscle will be low, and your recovery will be affected greatly. Along with your testosterone & hormone levels being dropped as a consequence of poor sleep.

Sleep restores and replenishes us. Without proper sleep, you will suffer.


  • You can use Fat burners to burn additional calories to help with fat loss.
  • You can use protein shakes to replace meals or to get in more protein if needed.
  • You can use testosterone herbs/supplements to boost your workout or the process of building muscle and/or losing weight. Certain herbs and supps can do the job. For instance, using centrapeak to optimize testosterone will help with losing body fat and building muscle due to increasing/optimizing hormone & testosterone, naturally. Especially if you're neglecting proper sleep, diet, and/or nutrition. 

  • You can use sleep aids to help with your sleep if you need them.

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