Liver King Sued - $25M - This Is The Right Thing to DO!

The Liver king has deceived everyone. He claimed that living like an ancestral person, living their lifestyle; hunting for food, eating raw meat, and not caring for hygiene, this type of a lifestyle will improve health outcomes, and improve masculinity within males. Because, supposedly, nowadays, men aren't men, we're becoming more feminine & this is where Liver King Shines. He preaches that he lives this lifestyle and that he got this strong & masculine by living like a primal from back in the day. However, he has been exposed as a fraud, as a steroid user, and manipulating his viewers into buying his supplements, and programs.

Liver King is fake. He uses steroids, and he is a fraud. He is a fraud because he states by eating raw food and using his supplements, you can "become stronger, healthier, and more masculine." However, it can be quite dangerous & unhealthy to consume raw foods, especially if you have an underlying health condition. And in fact, the liver king did not get jacked & ripped from consuming raw food - he got ripped by using steroids.

This is where his business & ethical preaches are unethical. He is deceiving all of his fans. His fan base age is typically teenagers and young adults. These people are looking up to the Liver King as an Idol, so they'll buy into anything he states. People bought his supplements, and programs in hopes to become more a man, stronger & healthier, and increasing testosterone naturally. 

Liver King's supplements won't make a user jacked & ripped. They won't become stronger, nor more masculine. Consuming raw foods does not directly improve natural testosterone. & This is why people are suing Liver King for $25M.

I believe he, Liver King, should be sued.

He deceived, and manipulated EVERYONE!

He went on countless podcasts - super popular podcasts stating & preaching that living like an ancestral person you'll be jacked, ripped, strong and more masculine. & stated that he is natural, not on steroids, and developed his physique through hard work. But this is not true, everything is false, lies, and it's fraud.

In my opinion, you cannot claim that by living like a primal; you will become stronger and more masculine. This is completely absurd, and a snake-oil salesman tactic. The Liver King is using words that are strong to bribe people, to trick them into buying his supplements & programs. and from this, people are expecting results, but nothing will arise from using his supplements (and maybe even his programs).

The lawsuit is a good thing. It'll teach him, the liver king, that running a fraud business - claiming & preaching that consuming raw foods is the ideal way to go should be banished harshly. He, liver king, has manipulated EVERYONE. He Deserves to be Sued. 

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