Getting ABS - Top 5 ABS Myths & Facts

The truth about abs is that you have a layer of fat between the skin and the muscle, and it doesn't matter how many crunches you do, if you don't cut down that layer of fat, you'll never see your abs. HERE ARE TOP 5 ABS MYTHS AND FACTS.

Myth #1 You can't train ABS every day

This can be true or false. You can train abs every day, and nothing will go wrong, other than building up the abs muscle density, and thickness, but do you want thick dense abs? If so, training every day will give you that result. If you're just wanting nice abs, train them 2/3x a week.

Myth #2 You cannot target lower abs

You can! People, you need to feel your lower abs working. Not all ABS exercises will target the lower abs. So find an exercise that targets the lower abs, and that you can actually feel. This is known as the mind-muscle connection. You can literally feel that specific muscle working, and from this, you'll yield better results. 

Myth #3 Spot Reducing Stomach Fat

If you think doing abs crunches or planks will get rid of your belly rolls, you're wrong. You cannot spot reduce any fat group. When you lose weight, body fat will be reduced everywhere, not just in one specific area. So by doing ABS workouts, it'll make you lose weight everywhere, not just your stomach area. You can tone up certain muscle groups, to enhance the look of that particular muscle, but you cannot "spot reduce" fat from your stomach.

Myth #4 You get ABS from working out only

False. ABS primarily come from your diet/nutrition. A clean proper diet and nutrition regime is best when it comes to having a ripped physique, and good-looking abs. If you're eating nothing but junk food, that will affect your physique and abs look - so it's important to eat clean, eat in moderation, and have nutritious foods. (Have plenty of veggies, fiber, clean nutritious fats, carbs, and proteins, and avoid sugary drinks and foods as much as you can).

Having low body fat is key when it comes to revealing abs. If you're overweight or eating in a surplus, you won't see your abs. Everyone has abs, it is just determined by your body fat percentage; If you're overweight, your body fat will cover up your ABS, so by reducing your body fat - becoming shredded, your abs will be more prominent. 

Myth #5 Genetics play a role when it comes to ABS

Hell no. If anyone says ABS are an indication of great genetics. You're mistaken. Anyone can say this for any muscle. Just because someone has impressive abs does not mean another person can't. Sure, genetics play a SMALL role, but it doesn't determine if you can or cannot get abs.

Everyone has ABS. Some people have better looks abs due to genetics, yes, but you can achieve better-looking abs if you train them, and eat clean. Getting rid of body fat, toning up the abs muscle, and making them thicker will enhance your physique and abs.

Downsides of Having Shredded ABS

While rippling abs are taken as a sign of peak fitness, the ultra-low body fat it takes to get them can have seriously unhealthy side effects: Phillips says they include fatigue, a compromised immune system, vitamin deficiencies, muscle wastage, and organ shrinkage in severe cases

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