4 Ways Muscle Loss Occurs - How to maintain lean muscle mass

 What Causes You To Lose Muscle

When it comes to muscle, maintaining muscle mass - requires a ton of focus and dedication. If not, you'll easily lose those gains. So today, you will learn what causes muscles to lose its mass, and how to maintain lean muscle mass with ease.

"Muscle atrophy can occur due to malnutrition, age, genetics, a lack of physical activity or certain medical conditions. Disuse (physiologic) atrophy occurs when you don't use your muscles enough. Neurogenic atrophy occurs due to nerve problems or diseases"


Hormones are not balanced

When it comes to developing and maintaining muscles; your hormones play a big role. Testosterone and other hormones play a role in muscle building. If you're deficient in proper nutrition - your hormones will be affected, along with your testosterone dipping due to having a poor diet.

Proper nutrition is needed/required in order to develop and maintain muscle mass. You need all the vital and essential nutrients; Proteins, fats, and carbs, and all of those food groups will provide the body with several different kinds of vitamins/minerals that contribute to muscle building and maintenance. Such as Beef, eggs, fish, etc. These food groups contain vital & essential vitamins and minerals for hormone production and to assist in muscle building.

If you're on a diet, and/or in a calorie deficit, this will also affect your gains. Staying in a calorie deficit will affect your testosterone & hormones due to having low body fat and not allowing your body to stay in a healthy body fat range. Staying sub 9% body fat is unhealthy for the human body. Especially if you utilize a specific diet such as keto or whatever - you are prone to hormone and testosterone deficiency.

Stressing is another factor that can contribute to low testosterone. If you're constantly stressing - control it. Cortisol rises, therefore, hindering testosterone & hormone productivity. 

-> Herbs to help regulate & improve hormones and testosterone

Improving your lifestyle habits, diet, nutrition, and exercise and perhaps using nutrition will enhance your quality of life, and regulate hormones and testosterone levels. Using CentraPeak for example is a good testosterone booster/vitality enhancer to improve individual quality of life by regulating their hormones and testosterone levels - which are needed for proper health and maintaining muscle mass.

Nutrition, Diet & Calories

    Your nutrition is important when it comes to developing and maintaining muscle mass. As mentioned before, if you're in a calorie deficit, or utilizing a diet that restricts a lot of food groups, or important food groups that provide us with important vitamins/minerals - then you're prone to losing muscle, having low testosterone, and having hindered performance. Your recovery, performance, and the muscle-building process will be affected due to having a poor diet.

Having a proper-clean diet ensures that your body is retrieving essential & vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Eating clean sources of Proteins, fats and carbs is key. Focusing on the micronutrient aspect is highly recommended for optimal health and hormone levels.

-> Avoid These Harmful & Fattening FATS

I wouldn't recommend staying in a severe calorie deficit, as that will impact your hormones, testosterone, and performance. Staying in a slight calorie deficit is advised along with having a proper diet/nutrition regime is crucial for proper health and maintaining muscle mass easily. Having enough protein, and fats, and having clean foods that come from fat and carb sources is the way to go. For example, clean fat sources should come from nuts/seeds or avocados, eggs, and fish. No junk food - as those won't benefit the body.

Eating nothing but junk food affects the body overall. Your hormones, testosterone and much more will be greatly affected. Junk food is toxic for the body as it has no vital/essential vitamins or minerals to properly nourish the body. As a result, the body becomes inflamed and causes damage to your overall health. Strive for healthy nutritious foods for a better health outcome.

Staying in a calorie surplus - a slight calorie surplus (don't go excessive as that will make you fat) is much better for muscle development and maintenance because that's how muscle grows and is maintained. An adequate amount of calories are needed on a daily basis to consistently maintain your muscle mass. So that's why I stress about calorie deficit. So if you simply stay above your calorie maintenance, you can easily develop and maintain muscle mass.

-> Effective Supplements with Important vitamins and herbs to increase natural testosterone

Exercising - Staying Consistent

    Exercise is needed to stimulate muscles. Without stimulation, muscles will begin to lose its strength and mass. So it's important that you frequently work out to maintain such muscle mass, or to develop more muscle [mass].

-> Benefits of using Testosterone Enhancer/Booster

Staying sedentary  - neglects exercise will cause your muscle to lose mass and strength over time. Your muscles need stimulation to keep their mass and strength, but if you completely ignore exercising - you will lose muscle mass. It'll take time, but the muscles will atrophy. 

Don't overtrain, as that may hinder your chances of building muscle. And it may decrease muscle mass rather than build newer muscle mass because overtraining Any muscle group will have the opposite results. Overtraining muscles doesn't allow the muscles to fully recover - so as a result the muscle becomes so damaged, it will begin to lose its strength and mass. Your hormone and testosterone levels will also be impacted due to the body being in a stressful environment all the time. Remember - stress is bad.

Progressive overload is needed to constantly build muscle. However, if you're just wanting to maintain muscle - just train frequently. As you continue and continue to exercise/train/work out/lift weights - you're constantly stimulating the muscles so it won't atrophy. Along with the food, nutrition will repair the muscle damage and promote muscle healing and thus will result in muscle development and maintaining the muscle [mass].

Sleep is really important

Sleep. One of those aspects we don't consider much. But you should. Sleep replenishes hormones, testosterone, and energy and repairs muscle damage. If your sleep is off, if you hardly sleep or have a really screwed-up sleeping protocol, you won't have optimal levels of hormones or testosterone. Therefore, this will hinder your hormonal & testosterone levels, mental & physical state, and much more.

By having a proper sleeping schedule, you can ensure that your body will have enough time to replenish and repair itself. This will regulate and promote a better hormonal and testosterone outcome. Many underestimate the importance of sleep - and the sleep quality aspect. Are you getting enough sleep, enough deep sleep? If not, fix it.

How do I stop losing muscle mass? How to Maintain Muscle Mass

  • Work out with weights regularly.
  • Eat plenty of protein.
  • Consume enough calories.
  • Combine cardio and resistance training.
  • Get enough rest and sleep.

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