Top Worst Foods for your ABS

FOODS TO AVOID FOR ABS - tips, diet, nutrition & more

Achieving ABs only takes a good diet and staying on track. If you fall off, you'll gain unnecessary weight, and your abs will vanish. Today, you'll learn what foods to avoid in order to get and/or maintain abs.

First and foremost, in order to achieve abs, your diet doesn't need altering necessarily, it's HOW MUCH food you're consuming. If you're in a calorie surplus, most likely you have a quite a lot of body fat, whereas, if you're in a calorie deficit, you WILL be promoting weight loss - daily with ease. By entering a calorie deficit, you're going to lose weight no matter what. You're not supplying your body with enough calories in order to gain weight and/or maintain it. So, by staying in a calorie deficit, you can easily obtain those abs. However, is there easier ways to go about this? Of course.

I advise striving for healthy foods, proper nutrition, and staying in a calorie deficit for sliced abs.

I myself know what it takes in order to get them shredded abs. 

By consuming your healthy foods; Veggies, fruits, and healthy sources of fats, carbs, and proteins, it'll be much much easier to go about losing weight, staying in a calorie deficit, healing the body and maintaining abs.

For one, healthy foods heal and nourish the body, remove toxins, and improve efficiency. Therefore, when removing junk/processed foods, the process will be smooth.

What Types of Foods Ruin YOUR ABS

1) Liquid Calories are the worst for weight management

Drinks with added sugar, including sports drinks, soda, and alcohol. You can easily overconsume on these types of drinks, and thus will lead to unnecessary weight gain.

A major problem with liquid sugar calories is that your brain doesn't register them like it does the calories from solid food. Studies show that drinking calories don't elicit the same fullness signals as eating them. As a result, you don't compensate by eating less of other foods later on.

People tend to over-consume / excessively consume sugary beverages because it's tasty, convenient, and people do not realize that it is unhealthy, fattening, and overall non-beneficial for us humans to consume.

2) Sugary Foods

Foods with added sugar, including candies, chocolates, and cakes.

Consuming too much-added sugar, especially from sugary beverages, increases your risk of weight gain and can lead to visceral fat accumulation.

Consuming too much added sugar, especially from sugary beverages, increases your risk of weight gain and can lead to visceral fat accumulation.(which can interrupt fitness goals)

Unlike foods and drinks that naturally contain sugar, those with added sugar provide no nutritional value. 

  • Poor Energy source
  • Not nourishing

3) Junk Food

Frequent consumption of junk food increases the intake of excess fat, simple carbohydrates, and processed sugar which may lead to a higher risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases among other chronic health problems

It will instantly spike your blood sugar levels.

Junk foods are highly processed and high in calories. They tend to have few vitamins and minerals and are usually low in fiber. Junk foods also often contain large amounts of added sugar and are high in saturated fats and trans fats.

Solution: You need whole foods. Real - Whole - Foods. Organically.

Now, it's somewhat impossible to find and eat 100% organic foods, unless you grow'em yourself, but whole foods or organic foods is the best way to go when it comes to your health.

Homemade meals is the best. You avoid the processed/junk foods, fast foods, etc. 

Homemade meals are best because you get to decide what you should add in, how to cook, what types of oils, and how much of it. You decide on the quality and quantity of the food/meals. 

Homemade meals are much more better and healthier for us, humans to go about. Higher nutritional profiles = better for weight loss, and maintaining abs.

Strive for vegetables, fruits, and healthy sources of fats, carbs and proteins.

4) Deep-Fried Foods

  1. Fried foods are high in fat, calories, and often salt.
  2. Associated with Obesity.
  3. High in Calories

  • Mozzarella Sticks, Corn Dogs, Doughnuts, Deep-Fried Butter, Deep-Fried Mars Bars, Deep-Fried Twinkies, Deep-Fried Ice Cream and Basically Every Other Deep-Fried Junk Food You Can Think Of 

The main issue with deep-fried foods is that it is everywhere. It's hard to resist, they're high in calories, salt, and oils. And overall, it does not benefit/nourish the human body. 

People tend to overeat deep-fried foods which will lead to weight gain.

5) Refined Grains

refined grains, including white bread, white pasta, and sugary cereals.

Lots of people have an issue when it comes to carbs - especially refined grains. 

It's easy to overeat these types of foods. They contain a high amount of calories, sugar, and additives. And people can become addicted to them. In addition, carbs, a high intake of carbs, can and will ruin your insulin sensitivity, therefore, making you prone to gaining weight and developing stubborn fat.

6) Partying / Staying up late / Indulging

Alcohol can cause weight gain in four ways: it stops your body from burning fat, it's high in kilojoules, it can make you feel hungry, and it can lead to poor food choices.

Typically, party-goers indulge, consume whatever, and do not care about nutrition factors.

If you're a party-er, still strive for healthy options, go for fruits, and do not excessively indulge.

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