Do not Stay Shredded While Trying to get BIG

 Staying Skinny To Get Big Muscles

Today, these people and upcoming future pros and influencers are staying shredded year-round. However, they realize they're missing out on greater potential, and that it's affecting their overall health.

People in this age envy a shredded physique. 

We have the most popular fitness influencers still being Idolized Today. Zyzz, Chestbrah, Jeff Seid, David Laid, Connor Murphy - to name a few. These people set a standard of having an aesthetic-pleasing physique and not giving a FK.

Zyzz is the main trend setter when it comes to an aesthetic physique. He was the man to set the movement of these "aesthetic physiques." People always look upon big muscles, but Zyzz is focused on an aesthetically pleasing physique. Not freakishly big muscles; Muscles that look toned up and sexy. A nice V-Taper, six-pack, rounded shoulders, decent arms, nice midsection, and good looks. That's all you need. A shredded physique, that outlines your contours and showcases a masculinity feature.

But, the issue today that many people are experiencing is dreadful. They're developing low testosterone, equivalent to an elderly person, no energy, no drive, E.D, difficulties developing/maintaining muscle, etc.

The issue is that people are trying too hard to become and stay shredded that they're forgetting about nutrients, hormones, recovery, and overall calorie intake based on your body's needs.

Every person is different when it comes to nutrients, how many calories, etc. You should know and understand how food affects you - weight-wise and so forth - but sometimes it's hard to do so.

So as a result, people may end up under-fed, constantly in a calorie deficit to the point where their hormones are crashing, people becoming anorexic, and have seriously Low testosterone levels. This in the end, and for future outcomes are not ideal nor good to endure at an early age. Many young ones are around 18-25+ of age that are experiencing all of this.

Now, you also have to consider PEDS or steroid use. Many teens and young adults are using PEDS without realizing or knowing that it'll affect their hormones and testosterone and other functions. One cycle or even one use can seriously impact and change your body's biology/chemistry.

As a fix, teens and young adults have to supplement their low-t with trt in order to feel good and to function properly. 

The Solution to this:

1) Do not stay in a calorie deficit or maintain a super-shredded physique year-round. Give your body some time to come back to reality, get a break, uptake on real nutrition, and become properly nourished. If you're wanting to stay shredded, make sure your macros (fat/protein/carbs) are on point in order to avoid deficiencies.

2) Manitain a Healthy Eating Regime

Healthy foods are the best way to go to nourish the body. If you're eating junk foods and staying in a calorie deficit - that isn't ideal due to already being vulnerable and now that you aren't eating healthily, you're placing your health at greater risk.

3) Get CheckUps

Get blood work done, visit the Dr, and get examined in order to ensure you're healthy. Sometimes, we aren't aware that things are going south within ourselves - so to prevent issues and underlying conditions - get a check-up. It won't hurt.

4) Calorie Surplus is needed at times

Sometimes, we over-work out, run too much, or ate too little. If you've done more exercises in one day compared to the previous days, wouldn't you think it's best to eat more in order to properly nourish your body? I think so. Many people underestimate how many calories their body needs. So people will run a lot, exercise, lift weights and go about life with hardly any food/calories and proper nutrition. So, on days that are a bit more intense, I'd advise eating more food in order to let your body rest, catch up, and not stress about not being fed properly. In addition, properly timing your food intake can help with developing muscle, maintaining, and recovery. 

5) Track your food intake

As I mentioned, we sometimes underestimate how much food our body really needs. So you can somewhat fix this by utilizing online calorie/macro calculators. They go based on height and weight, and your goals. From this, it determines your caloric intake on a daily/weekly basis in order to sustain a certain weight. And it'll help keep track of nutrition intake, food intake, and overall insights about your diet/nutrition regime.

6) Don't go Super-Shredded Mode

Don't go into a serve calorie deficit. That's not how you get shredded. Now, a calorie deficit is needed but don't go too harsh. Track your food intake, and know your nutrients. Consume enough healthy foods, have high protein, and adequate amount of fats and carbs. You need all nutrients in order to function properly. If you neglect fats and carbs for example, then you're prone to illnesses and your hormones crashing.

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