Do not Attempt Tristyn Lee's [4% Body Fat] Diet PROTCOL - Can become Lethal!

Why It's Not Ideal to Follow Tristyn Lee's Diet

Tristyn Lee is known for his physique - Insane Shreds, Muscular, Well-developed Physique. In fact, he is so shredded that people are willing to pay him to gain weight/eat more.

  • Low Calories - A calorie deficit
  • Utilizes Carnivore Diet - Ketosis Approach to burn fat
  • Exercises a lot/Bodybuilding 
  • Dials in Nutrition, Stays committed.
  • Experiences mental fatigue, muscle/body-dysmorphia
  • Maintains a very-low body fat which can be harmful!

Not everyone can endure the type of life that Tristyn Lee does. It's quite tedious, and unhealthy, to be honest. 

To endure such low body fat; you're somewhat deficient in some vitamins and minerals. Along with that, your body doesn't operate properly due to affected hormones and body functions...

If you're wanting to be like Mr. Lee. Do not. I advise you to not too. Simply because it's unhealthy, not ideal, and just not optimal for everyday living.

Mr. Lee has admitted that he is tired all the time, has low energy, has mental issues, and much more. But his Body/Muscle dysmorphia prevents him to gain weight and/or eating more.

With that being said, that should tell you - Being Shredded 24/7 is not fun or healthy.

When you become insanely shredded like Tristyn lee

your body is going to enter survival mode. Trying to fight to stay alive. People may experience sleep issues, hormone imbalances, energy loss, dramatic weight loss, and becoming severely malnourished. This in the end will dramatically affect your potential of building muscle and stay muscular. But, you can somewhat avoid these issues by dialing in your nutrition. Focusing and striving for healthy nutritious foods that aren't high in processed ingredients or calories. This is how Mr. Lee has managed to maintain his physique. He strives for healthier foods but remains in a calorie deficit for maintaining shreds.

After some time of dieting and maintaining a shredded physique, your body wants and needs a break. Staying in extremely low body fat is very stressful on the body and mind. Hence why a lot of people cannot endure this type of lifestyle. The Aesthetic lifestyle. It requires a really strong mindset, tons of sacrifices, and determination.

Recently, Tristyn Lee entered a phase of bulking. He wants to subside the issues that are causing him to not enjoy life as much by eating more, listening to his body, and letting/allowing his body to rest, reset, and recoup itself.

Not even mentioning calories, calorie deficit, and undereating; Tristyn Lee has a special diet that allows him to stay shredded.

Tristyn Lee and The Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is a diet that only consists of meat-related products. Meat, organs, bones - broth are only allowed. 

By utilizing the carnivore diet, you restrict all types of carbs. No grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and/or seeds.

Only: Meat, Fish, and some animal products.

When you use this dieting method, it has a huge impact on the body. First, when depleting yourself from carbs and/or restricting carbs; your body enters ketosis - which is a mechanism that lets your body to use its own FAT as a source of fuel. Since you aren't consuming any carbs, and carbs are what gives us fuel or energy, the body has to gain energy from somewhere - that is - your own body fat.

People who are in a keto state will be burning fat throughout the day - every day until you've consumed enough carbs in order to reverse the ketosis event.

Tristyn lee is always in ketosis. Always, constantly burning fat to remain and to maintain his shreds.

Not all people can endure this dieting. A lot of people need CARBS in order to function properly. Many people can experience major health issues if not consuming any carbs - especially if they have an underlying health condition.

I'd be careful following Mr. Lee's diet and/or advice on dieting. He utilizes extreme dieting practices that aren't really ideal to go about. Unless you have the knowledge and experience to do so, be careful!

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