Can Natty's Workout as Hard as Enhance Bodybuilders?

Can Natty's Workout as Hard as Enhance Bodybuilders?

Gains can still be made by enhanced lifters when they use moderate weight, higher volume, and moderate effort. A natural athlete runs the danger of seeing diminished or even negative results if they perform too much volume. As a result, an improved lifter can perform more while a natural athlete need only perform three work-up sets and one intense set.


Enhanced Bodybuilders have an advantage when it comes to training hard. 

First off, they're utilizing drugs/peds/steroids to increase their body's capabilities - enhancing, improving, and having more output in every aspect when it comes to the human body. Recovery, performance, mental, strength, power, endurance, and so forth are enhanced when someone is using PEDS.

Whereas a natural [natty] doesn't have any of those aspects. Natty's recovery is much slower; strength, power, and performance is based upon training, experience, and skill.

Enhanced lifters have it way better than naturals. 

IN fact, many say, if you're a bodybuilder and want to have fun with it; try using peds (although I do not condone it).

PEDS will dramatically improve and enhance someone's life. 

Everything will be smoother, faster, effective, heightened, and amped up.

People who are on Steroids can recover from injuries much faster, they can work out harder with higher intensity, literally smashing their muscles to the ground, and are able to fully recover within a day or two. Natty's - cannot train that hard. Natty's have to understand their limitations, and their power and they must have a proper protocol for recovery. 

Proper nutrition, recovery, and self-care is much more needed for natty's compared to Enhanced lifters.

For naturals, you need to dial in a lot of the things that enhanced lifters do not have to.

For instance, Nutrition aids in recovery. For natty's, you should be striving for healthy foods, and healthy nutrition to nourish the body to allow the body to properly recover from the damages you've caused in the Gym.

Enhance Lifters have better and stronger performance overall. 

They have the capabilities to lift heavier, longer, and with much more force. Compared to a natural, We aren't capable of lifting super-heavy, especially daily, and we must be very careful because natty's don't contain as much strength as enhancers do.

Now, just because Enhanced lifters do have an advantage and seem to have more fun; it can be dangerous, and lethal.

Utilizing PEDS/steroids come with a risk. High Risk, High reward type of deal. Steroids/PEDS affects the whole body - Health, performance, mental state, organ/heart health - everything.

If you have an underlying health condition, or are prone to any health complications, utilizing PEDS/steroids will exacerbate any health issues. Especially if you don't know if you do have an underlying health condition or not...

Even though you think you're fine, anything can happen when using the Juice.

People do die from sudden events. Heart attacks, strokes, blood issues, etc. All of those issues come along with PED use.

If you're a user or thinking of using PEDS, make sure to get checked up by your Doctor.

Doctor visits, blood work, organ/heart health checkups, and listening to your body.

People abuse the FOOK outta PEDS in order to stay Enhanced and to progress.

When you abuse any PED, you're at risk of major health complications, as I stated above.

If you feel like something is off, mentally or physically, or feeling weird things, such as heart skips, or anything out of the ordinary; Visit the Doctor, and get examined.

There are a lot of young teens and adults who are utilizing PEDS. As a consequence of using PEDS at an early age, they're shutting down their natural processing hormones; they're at risk of organ failure, and possibly even death.

PEDS will affect your hormones greatly. 

At an early age, young teen - young adult, your hormones are barely peaking - at its highest. When utilizing PEDS, your hormones will become suppressed, and as you continue to use PEDS, your naturally occurring hormones that are being produced by your body, naturally, will end up being shut down, and not able to produce hormones, naturally anymore. This is why people end up on HRT/TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) because they've shut down their own system that produces hormones naturally.

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