When You Hear Celebrities workout for more than 5+ hours a Day!!

When You Hear Celebrities workout for more than 5+ hours a Day!!

It makes me laugh to actually believe in this, "yeah, I workout 8 Hours A Day to Get in shape." First of all, Jack, if you WERE to workout for 8 hours a day, How is your actual training session? And secondly, why 8 hours? Isn't that a bit excessive? Do "8" hours have a huge benefit? Isn't it overtraining?

Guys and girls, you must be aware of Hollywood celebrities and how they obtain their physiques. Now, some actors may be natural, but when you hear actors say, "Yeah, I work out 8 hours a day..." Don't believe in that bull. No one on this planet can workout for 8 hours a day and expect to develop an insane-looking physique. In fact, you're overtraining. When you go about overtraining, you don't build more muscle, you begin to lose muscle due to the high amount of stress caused by exercising. Your body can only handle so much before it starts breaking down..However, you can subside that by enhancing your abilities. By this, I mean drugs; Steroids. Supplements like steroids can help the person recover much better, and improve their body composition. Steroids can do many things, and it's considered a wonder drug because you can achieve virtually any physique you like, but it will come with consequences. These consequences change the chemistry within your bodies, so you may experience some health issues and more.
Actors, celebrities take steroids, or prohormones to achieve a certain physique guided and directed by a "Celebrity trainer." These trainers guide these celebs in a way where they can look good, but not overboard, like a massive bodybuilder. These trainers want them to look aesthetic and ripped, so certain drugs can be taken to acquire such physique. 
Many actors, for instance, THE ROCK, won't tell the truth about their transformation because either they had no idea that they were/are taking supplements to help with their body composition, or they'll be in trouble because depending on the supplements, it may be illegal to use, so many celebs and internet people are cautious about what they use, etc. People can get jail or be fined.

Let's get back to the 8 hours of working out. Now, if you were too, you'll end up in a catabolic state - not building of any muscle. If you were to take steroids, 8 hours is a bit too much still, but taking the supplements will help maintain the muscle, and promote growth without any severe consequences of working out 8 hours...No Pro Bodybuilder does not even work out for 8 hours a day! And these celebs do not even look like a BODYBUILDER!
Listen to the words, look at their physique and add in some logic in their situation and examine whether if it's real or not. Does this seem logical and natural?
Charlie sheen, for example, claimed that he has worked out for 8 hours a day to get into shape. now, am i going to believe that? not sure if he has taken any drugs to enhance his physique, but i know for sure that 8 hours a day won't do the job, LOL.

People will do anything to impress the crowd. It's all about money, fame, and everything else. If you can look attractive, appealing, and more, you got the job done. The outcome is the paycheck -  the more publicity, the more money. Now, of course, anyone is willing to do anything for money, if you're all about that - so celebs will hide the truth about their lives in order to sell, promote and to keep their audience.
Be aware, don't be fooled, be wise and don't fall into the bullcrap.

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