How to FOCUS on Weight loss During the Quarantine

Since everyone is at home, sitting and watching tv or playing video games, you still must focus on your health. If you need help with losing weight at home during this Quarantine phase, look no further as I give out good tips on how to lose weight/how to focus on weight loss during this phase.

-- How to combat weight gain

1) Cleansing Smoothies for Fat-Loss

Smoothies are great for getting in those essential and vital nutrients to help your body [health] out. Especially if you have a poor diet in place, smoothies are ideal for everyone. If you aren't eating your greens, and if you're always eating unhealthily, try out smoothies. Smoothies can be made with virtually anything but we're focusing on nutrients rather than the "taste." In smoothies, you're wanting to add in the beneficial vegetables, herbs and more. You can add natural sweeteners to remove the nasty [veggie] taste if you desire such as Honey, Cocoa, Real Sugar, Soy milk, coconut milk, etc.
You can add anything to your smoothies to make it more nutritious.
Green tea extracts/other herbal extracts to increase the nutrients to help combat weight-loss, considering green tea extract is shown to help combat fat-loss.

Detox Smoothie Ingredients

The ingredients in this smoothie are loaded with nutrients, and in turn, should help to support your body’s natural detox organs, including the kidneys, liver, and skin.

Here are some of the potential health benefits:

Green Apple: This particular apple is lower in sugar than the red variety, and apples, in general, may help in weight loss by making you feel fuller longer. One study has shown that eating an apple a day may be almost as effective as taking a statin drug at reducing the risk for heart disease. The pectin that apples contain acts as a prebiotic and may promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut, too!
Pineapple: Rich in antioxidants, this tropical fruit also contains bromelaine, a protein-digesting enzyme. It helps break protein down into amino acids, and as a result, may boost digestion. This digestive enzyme may also help to boost immunity and lower inflammation in the body. (source)
Banana: Bananas are a great source of potassium, and potassium-rich diets may help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. According to Healthline, one 13-year study showed that women who eat bananas 2 to 3 times a week may have a 33% lower risk of developing kidney disease.
Ginger: Ginger is considered to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body and may help to lower fasting blood sugar levels. (source) It has also been shown to speed up digestion, causing the stomach to empty faster.
Spinach: This leafy green is neutral in flavor when you add it to a smoothie, and this study has shown that it may help to prevent oxidative damage in the body. Spinach also contains powerful plant compounds and antioxidants, like lutein and kaempferol, that are thought to promote eye health and decrease the risk of cancer.
Cilantro: This fresh herb contains a compound called dodecanal that has been shown to have antibacterial effects against salmonella. It is also thought to combat heavy metal toxicity, which is why it so commonly added to detox drinks and recipes. (source)
Lime: Limes are loaded with antioxidants and are a great source of vitamin C, which may help to boost your immune system! Vitamin C has been shown to increase the production of white blood cells in test tube studies, which may help to protect against infections and disease.
With all of these ingredients, this smoothie is loaded with fiber that will help keep you feeling full and satisfied, without a lethargic or sluggish feeling that can come from eating something less nutritious. I find that when I start my day with a smoothie, I tend to eat better for the rest of the day, too. (And that’s the goal, right?)

Will This Smoothie Help You Lose Weight?

Since this detox smoothie is loaded with nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods, I think it’s a good choice if you’re trying to lose weight. The pectin found in apples and the fiber in all of these ingredients will help keep you full, and if you use it as a meal replacement you may end up eating fewer calories than you normally would, which may also contribute to weight loss.

2) Calorie Deficit for Fat-Loss

A calorie deficit is when you consume fewer calories than normal. For example, at the current moment, you're consuming around 2500~ calories, but you're gaining weight. So if you're wanting to promote weight-loss, you must consume fewer than 2500 calories. Now, your calorie intake for a daily basis is going to be around 2000~ calories. Do this for about a week or two, and examine if you need to reduce more calories if you need to lose more weight. This method is the best method for losing fat.

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3) Exercising to burn Fat

Exercising is a tool to help burn excess amount of weight off of your body. It burns calories. During intensive exercises, you're burning calories resulting in weight-loss. If you're neglecting exercising, then you should now know that you aren't burning fat efficiently. If you are having issues losing weight, go exercise.
- HIIT exercises are great for an intense fat-burning procedure.
- Weightlifting can help burn calories, and tighten your loose skin
- Cardio / Bicycle is great to keep your heart racing, resulting in calorie burning aka weight-loss. If you like cardio, cycling, etc, this will be beneficial for you. 

4) Coffee / Caffeine / Herbs

Certain things in life can help speed up your body's processes. For Instance, Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. This stimulant helps speeds up your body's metabolism, which results in fat-loss. Green tea also contains ingredients within to help combat fat on your body. Another herb or bark that is super effective for stubborn fat that is - yohimbine. There are so many herbs, barks, ingredients that you can use to aid in fat-loss. These are tools to help with fat-loss. Study, do your research and buy supplements if necessary.

5) Calorie/Macro Manipulation

Calorie manipulation is one of the best ways to manipulate your physique weight. This ties into the "Calorie Deficit protocol." When you approach a calorie deficit phase, you're manipulating your calories. This is beneficial because you can determine what is making you gain weight or what is preventing you to lose weight. For more advanced users, y'all can manipulate your macros to achieve certain body weight. For example, keto diet, restricts carbs so you're manipulating your carb intake in order to reduce your body fat!

6) Increase vegetables, fiber, nutrients

Vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, and those not-so-tasty foods contain a lot of super-nutrients that help out your body. If you're neglecting healthy foods, then you're missing out on a lot of rich nutrients. These nutrients will help with cleansing/detoxing your body, making your body much more efficient to burn calories, lose weight and to perform at something. You'll gain energy, reduce depression, fog mind, and more. Consuming healthy foods on a daily basis will help with your health and promote longevity. As mentioned above, you can make Smoothies to help consume healthy foods!

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7) Fasting

Fasting is a method that helps detox/cleanse your body and mind. It can also be used as a weight-loss protocol. When you fast, there's a lot happening during the moment, your body will begin to use/gather energy from fat first, to preserve your muscles, resulting in weight-loss over time. Dry fasting is what it is called. Also, you may potentially skip a meal and when doing so, you're skipping on calories resulting in a calorie deficit (if you aren't consuming more calories at the end of the day). This can beneficial for those who tend to eat Excessively; fasting can help break your bad habits and promote healthy eating due to the realization of how food should be consumed, not consumed as a "fun thing to do" if that makes sense!

8) Portion Control

Portion control somewhat ties in the Calorie-manipulation since you're manipulating your meals [calories]. By reducing the amount of food that you have on your plate, you can easily separate your foods evenly to not go overboard on calorie consumption. However, this is hard to go by with little knowledge, so you must understand your body and metabolism, but portion control can help with fat-loss, if you're having issues controlling how much foods you're consuming in one sitting.

9) Reduce Fatty/Sugary/Sweet/Processed Foods

Processed and junk foods is the enemy for all people, especially if you excessively consume these toxic foods. You must avoid and/or reduce your junk food consumption as much as possible if you're wanting to improve your health and performance, and it'll help with fat-loss. So start eating your greens, fruits, and healthy foods!

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10) If it Fits your Macros // Flexible Dieting

So, IIFYM is when you only eat to the point of your goal. IIFYM is a calorie goal; you must reach this goal if you're wanting results. This ensures that the user stays on track. It works by setting a calorie goal. For example, let's say your IIFYM calorie goal is: 2000 calories. You must consume approx 2000 calories to meet your goal for the day. This will help the user lose weight or gain weight, depending on your goal. Here's the cool part IIFYM; During IIFYM, you're trying to reach your goal, but it doesn't limit your food choices, so realistically you can EAT ANYTHING You'd like up until you meet your calorie goal for the day. This helps the user stay Sane during this dieting protocol!

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