How Liver King Mislead & Deceived EVERYONE

After claiming his natural physique in front of his millions of social media followers, Brian Johnson, aka Liver King, has admitted to using steroids.

    Liver King. A person who practices and lives by living like an ancestral person. Eating raw meat, being barefoot; living like a primal - he claims that living like an ancestral person is the best way of living. To Optimize your health, mental state, physical power, and testosterone.

    Born Brian Johnson, the 45-year-old influencer is famous for eating large amounts of raw meat — including a morbid pound of liver every day — as well as lifting big weights and showing off his lifestyle on TikTok and Instagram.

    The Liver King promoted these 9 tenets; which supposedly help with improving oneself. Improving and optimizing health, mental & physical aspects, and hormones/testosterone. By living by the 9 tenets, you're supposedly "more of a man" and it'll create masculinity within yourself & others. 

    Because, The Liver King claims that nowadays, people, mainly males, are experiencing, "less testosterone, becoming like a female, depression, weakness, etc." By stating these bold statements and claims, many people buy into the Liver King regime.

    People want to obviously feel better, become more like a man, and possess more strength, and power, so they will follow, and do exactly what The Liver King says.

Liver King promotes & sells supplements. Supplements like organs, etc. "Ancestral" Supplements is his Business name. 

    So, supposedly these supplements will make you more of a man - improving your health, and promoting better strength & power. But is this true?

    His supplements are just supplements. Nothing too fancy about his supplements to be quite honest. If you have a proper-clean diet and nutrition protocol/regime, you'll optimize your health, mental & physical state/aspects, & optimize your testosterone.

The majority of the Liver King followers are: Young Kids, Young teenagers, and Adults who are insecure, Adults whom are experiencing low quality of life - low testosterone - weakness.

    These people who follow the liver king obviously want to become better "men" so they follow & do what the Liver King preaches. Eat meat, work out, sleep, and live like an ancestral primal person. Bare feet, no clothes, no toilets, etc. LOL.

However, The Liver King was recently Exposed.

    The Liver King -  is not real. His physique was not created naturally. In fact - he is on steroids. By using steroids, you can easily build and maintain muscle mass without "the hard work."

    In contrast - he's promoting to his audience that by putting in hard work, and living like an ancestral person - you'll become "like the liver king."

    Well, since he has been exposed. Many - I mean many people have come out and started to hate The Liver King.

    Anyone who manipulates & deceives for monetary gain is wrong-doing. It is a negative thing: The Liver King has "influenced" many people, but now that has back-fired. It has reversed. Many people are now supporting the liver king.

The Liver King has been deceiving everyone for a long long time.

    His physique, the way he acts - his whole character is the thing that stands out - that reaches people - that attracts people. He utilized his physique (from steroid use) to bribe people into thinking that, if they "do what I do" (living like an ancestral person), they will be like me. So many people thought, he was legit & genuine.

    On the other side, there are tons of people who never believed in the liver king - never believed that he was natural, or by living by the 9 tenets, you'll become jacked, and much more positive, etc.

    The Liver King went on major-major podcasts; stating & claiming that he is natural & that living the way he does is the right and proper way of living - for men. Men, who follow the ancestral lifestyle will be an improved version of themselves... That is not the Case.

    Now, fast forward since he has been exposed - the liver king is claiming that he will now begin to become natural. He's going to get off the roids, and preach about being/staying natural - and still living by the 9 ancestral tenets...

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