Documents Leaked - Liver King Exposed?

  Recently, Derek from MorePlatesmoredates, made a video regarding The Liver King. People have been speculating whether Liver King is natural or not. Why is that important to know?

The Liver King promotes and sells things from his business. He is a businessman - always has been since day #1. With his physique, outlook, and character/personality online - he has gained a ton of followers.

It's important to understand, know & determine whether your idol is legit and genuine. Many fitness influencers lie and deceive and manipulate their followers & customers. So, this is why people accuse Liver King of Steroid use, and Ab Sketch/Implants.

His regime in life is overcoming the adversities that men face today. He states that men are becoming less of a man, so therefore, he promotes this ancestral living culture. From this, many of his followers end up buying his programs to be like him. The 9 ancestral tenets will supposedly increase and promote masculinity. 

The Liver King has appeared on tons of Popular Youtube channels, and whatnot. Confidently stating and claiming that he is natural, and living an ancestral life, and following their protocols, habits, regimen. And from this, you'll end up having heightened & elevated levels of hormones & testosterone. So, therefore, this is why the "Liver King" looks the way he does all the time. 

But it's important to understand how can following these 9 ancestral tenets can make you look like him? You also have to be aware and think about what he says. He mentions the words we, us people, typically are on a daily basis. He always states that we people are Depressed, Weak, Experiencing Low Testosterone, etc. This is to bring in the people - this is a tactic - like a snake-oil salesman. He's bribing people with words, that most people tend to believe in and/or already think they're depressed, weak, etc. However, following these 9 ancestral tenets won't give you the look of the liver king.

Let's Get To The Main Point:

Derek - Moreplatesmoredates - and his friend @Zack Telander, have exposed The Liver King in a recent video on Moreplatesmoredates channel. They claim in the video that, they have seen the emails between The Liver King & his coach. Discussing about, "Steroids, Hormones, & Other stuff." I have to say, this evidence are pretty clear to me. They show in the video, what cycles The Liver King is going about. His blood work, routines, etc, etc. 

Derek mentioned that, Sooner or later, eventually, The Liver King's lies will come to rest, him being exposed as a fake natty, and just a snakeoil salesman type guy, instead of this ancestral-liver-king.

I want you people to watch Derek's video on The Liver King, named, "The Liver King LIE," - The video is posted above ^.

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