Should You Start Steroids at an Early Age?

 When is a Good Time To Start Steroids?

Steroids enhance individual capabilities and processes. The ability to recover and build muscle is much more faster and effective than staying natural. Enhanced people possess crazy-out-of-this-world strength and power. BUT! Steroids do in fact have side effects. 

Everyone wants to hop on "gear" aka steroids. This is because people want a shortcut to building muscle and having impressive strength. However, steroid use DOES come with side effects.

Steroids can be lethal. They can exacerbate any ongoing or underlying HEALTH issues you have. Essentially, if you are not checking up on your health occasionally (when or if on steroids), you're vulnerable to all aspects.

As a young teen or adult, your hormones are at its peak. Your body is a peak-running machine. 

But as you grow older, you begin to lose all of those features. High hormone spikes, strength, power, energy, ability to recover, etc are impacted. This is why when Pro Bodybuilders retire, they look run down, scrawny, and sick or ill. Not all Pro Bodybuilders look delicate after their use, but some do.

So, as you get into your late 30's, and early 40's, that is when you should consider steroids. To bring back the hormones as if you were a young teen/adult again. To enhance your recovery and build muscle process - able to have crazy strength and power.

When or if you use steroids as a young teen or adult, you're ruining your body's health, processes and hormones. You're overloading and putting your body into overdrive, which places an immense power of stress on your body, heart, and organs. Sometimes, young teens or adults end up with a heart attack due to overloading their system with these steroids.

Steroids should only be utilized when or if you've encountered a serious dramatic injury that is going to be very difficult to come back from; so utilizing steroids, in this case, will be beneficial. Secondly, as you get older, your hormones and performance start to decline. So, as a late 30-early 40's person, that is when steroids or trt can be considered to regulate your hormones or to improve your life overall.

People rely on steroids for other reasons too. The mental effects are amazing. People feel like they're young again; full of energy, and drive, and able to possess high-level strength and power. So, when a user experiences this type of experience, it is hard to come off or to not try it because it's so promising.

Steroids aren't 100% Safe to use

Like I've said, anyone can be affected by steroid use. Especially young teens/adults because they're much more vulnerable to issues. But the issue still persists; anyone can experience issues while being on steroids. This is how you guys can stay on top of your health

- Go get a check-up

- Blood panels

- Blood pressure checks

- Proper Diet and Nutrition  - to avoid any further health complications

- Hydration

- Priortizing sleep, stress, and hygiene.

- Proper knowledge of steroid use.

- Cycle steroids off and on - so you don't completely abuse your body.

Not all Steroids may be True Online

Some vendors or sellers may sell bunk/fake/underdosed steroids. Many many people do this. Even Pro Bodybuilders sometimes get a bunk or fake/underdosed steroids. You must, and I mean, You must do your research. Research the company; find out how they prepare their steroids, how they formulate it, what's the dosages, where's it coming from, and so on. Ask all and any type of questions when it comes to enhancing your body, and buying the supplements online.

Whereas, if you were to ask a Doctor, they're much more knowledgeable when it comes to this case. Especially if you're going about steroids the proper way. Old age, hormone declines, and/or injury has occurred.

Young teens/adults shouldn't rely on steroids to become bigger. 

Try your best, give it all you got in order to develop muscles the Natural way. There's no point in utilizing steroids if you aren't competing. There is no point in abusing roids if there's no end goal. If the goal is to become HUGE and Freaky -- I'd reconsider that thought. 

Think about the mass monsters or those who have utilized roids at an early age. I can point out many famous YouTubers or insta fitness people, but I should not.

Possible Health Consequences of Anabolic Steroid Misuse

Cardiovascular system

  • high blood pressure
  • blood clots
  • heart attacks
  • stroke
  • artery damage

Hormonal system


  • decreased sperm production
  • enlarged breasts
  • shrinking of the testicles
  • male-pattern baldness
  • testicular cancer


  • voice deepening
  • decreased breast size
  • coarse skin
  • excessive body hair growth
  • male-pattern baldness


  • hepatitis


  • peliosis hepatis
  • tumors

Musculoskeletal system

  • short stature (if taken by adolescents)
  • tendon injury

Psychiatric effects

  • aggression
  • mania
  • delusions


  • severe acne and cysts
  • oily scalp and skin
  • abscess at injection site
  • jaundice

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