Resistance Bands also helps build muscle

 Resistance Bands can be used to Build Muscle

Working out can be done in any fashion. Using bands, your own body [weight], or even weights. Cardio doesn't really BUILD muscle, but endurance and stamina. It does promote stronger and more durable muscles. Today, we'll be discussing resistance band training.

"A 2019 study shows that training using resistance bands provides similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment. “Resistance bands might not look like much, but they can strengthen your muscles as effectively as more traditional weights"

Resistance bands that you stretch are used in resistance band training in place of bulkier workout equipment. Similar to utilizing free weights or machines, stretching the bands with force improves your muscles.

They keep constant tension on your muscles throughout the full range of motion of the exercise, bands help those slower muscles work harder. This evens out the workout routine and prevents the need for long reps to exhaustion at the end.

Having to maintain tension on the bands throughout the workout means each rep needs to be high quality and your muscles need to be working hard the whole way – rather than just at the end of the rep. Ultimately however, this is going to help you progress and develop. So, they are a really fantastic training tool for anyone looking to build all over body strength.

Benefits of Resistance Bands

Work out with ease, don't worry about injuries or joint pain. Resistance bands are much easier to build muscle with without the taxing load on your bones and joints. 


Resistance bands can be used on their own or as an addition to an existing workout. They also promote instability in the movements. This provides an opportunity to recruit stabilizing muscles. For instance, if you’re doing a simple bicep curl with a hand weight, you have gravity to help you extend your arm back to the starting position. With bands, the instability makes it so your arms, shoulders, chest, and core lend some help.

2) Improved Tension

When lifting heavy weights, you're not stimulating the muscle group that you're utilizing, so, your body will have to compensate - it'll use other muscle groups to help perform the action. But if you decrease the weight to a low weight, you can achieve better stimulation. To obtain a better mind-to-muscle connection and stimulation try using resistance bands.


Free weights are a great way to improve muscle and strength. But they do come with some warnings and risks. Just think about it — when you are holding something heavy, and begin to fatigue, you set yourself up for a dangerous situation.

Also due to the weight, it can injure vulnerable spots such as your wrists. If you bend your wrist to curl the weight, you’re at risk of straining it.

4) Portability & Flexibility

Resistance bands can be used anywhere. At home, office, gym, hospital, etc. And it gives you the flexibility to work on any muscle group. Whereas using free weights like dumbbells, it can be quite difficult to work out with, especially since free weights are heavy. Bands are versatile and lightweight. It can be used in any exercise, stretching, etc in any setting and environment. 


When using resistance bands, you can control the angle you train at. This means you can avoid training in uncomfortable positions while still targeting the right muscle groups. And even if you’re not injured, it’s always worthwhile varying your training as much as possible to help avoid straining your joints.


Having to maintain tension on the bands throughout the workout means each rep needs to be high quality and your muscles need to be working hard the whole way – rather than just at the end of the rep. Ultimately, however, this is going to help you progress and develop. So, they are a really fantastic training tool for anyone looking to build all-over body strength.

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