Avoid These FOODS for ABS [TIPS]

 Foods to Avoid for ABS

ABS - One of the hardest muscle groups to define. The abdominal muscles don't require much exercising to get that six-pack, 3d look - it requires a strict diet!

When it comes to your BELLY and ABS, your body fat dictates whether if you can see your abs or not. So. if you're overweight, you may not see any abs. On the other hand, if you're skinny or fit, you may see your ABS.

People whom are fit (not under/overweight) have abs. EVERYONE HAS ABS I should say. But in order to "see them" you need to decrease your body fat.

Body fat will cover most of the muscular definition. The lines, striations, etc. So, if you're bulking or overweight, then you won't see your abs.

Diet and nutrition is huge when it comes to your belly fat and abs. Your nutrition aspect, and quality of food, will affect your belly. Belly fat holds onto fat much more than any other body part. 

Bubble Gut (Belly Bulge) Causes

If you're one of those people who have a gut, beer belly, or bubble gut, most likely your diet and nutrition are way off.

You're most likely consuming Junk foods on a daily basis. With no proper nourishment. Meaning, you are not eating any beneficial healthy foods!

Poor nutritional foods (Junk foods) will cause irritation, inflammation, and overall damage to your gut, mental state, and overall health.

See - Nutrition affects the whole body. Mind, gut, performance, and so forth.

So, if you're constantly feeding your body with junk foods, then expect to see a poor-looking physique, along with health complications and a bubble gut.

The bubble gut typically comes from irritation and inflammation, or, if you're severely overweight, then It seems to me, you have stretched out your stomach. It is possible to stretch out your stomach by eating a lot of food, every day. So...decrease your food intake, eat healthier, and exercise.

Also, some people may not know this but some foods will cause irritation. Such as dairy/milk, etc. If your stomach cannot handle dairy, milk, cheese, etc, then you most likely will become bloated. Having an extended bubble-looking gut.

So, in conclusion; Stop overeating, stop eating Junk foods, and start striving for healthier foods. Provide your body with the right nutrients so it can operate and function properly.

Top Worst Foods for ABs

1) Sugary Drinks - Sodas

Loaded with calories. Loaded with Sugar. Leading to insulin issues, and weight gain issues.

2) Fast Foods - junky foods - Fries, junky food items

Nothing beneficial about fast foods. Loaded with calories, oils, sodium, and other harmful ingredients and chemicals/additives/preservatives.

People tend to feed on junk foods a lot! This is why most Americans are overweight!

Always consume a large soda, large fry, and a meal such as a burger or chicken sandwich. Now tell me - is this healthy??

3) Excessive amount of Carb intake

Lots of carbs will make you hold water and will make you gain weight. It can be deceiving to eat carbs because you can keep eating them, and eating them, and eating'em.

So, time your carb intake right, or know your portions.

Have a small amount, a bit, in order to retrieve those energies in order to function throughout the day. 

4) CHIPS, Pastries, cookies, cakes, candy, ice cream, danishes, etc

Obviously junk foods, nothing good about these. Loaded with sugar, sugar and more sugar. Loaded with calories. Thus, will make you fat.

A serving of 15 chips has 160 calories. But who stops at 15? 

5) Juices - Not real fruit juices

Juices can be good if it's organic. If you're buying them juices that aren't organic and just loaded with sugar - it's slowly killing your gains.

Remove juices, and find real organic fruit juices!

Or juice them yourself.

6) Deep-Fried Foods

Loaded with calories, oil, sodium, and bad for our overall health.

7) Pizza, hot dogs, fatty red meat

Pizza, hotdogs, etc are all junky foods. Nothing really beneficial about them. You can eat these foods easily without being full or satisfied. They're loaded with calories, sodium, and fat - which isn't good for us, nor the abs.


Beer ruins the gut. Loaded with calories, and sodium. People tend to excessively consume beer.

9) Frozen Dinners

High in calories, sodium, transfat

10) Always eating

Time your food, or have a routine. If you're constantly eating throughout the day, that WILL make you fat.

You're consuming more energy than you can use or burn, so as result, you gain weight.

By having a meal regime or timing your nutrition/meal intake, you can utilize these foods/nutrients for muscle building or for power!

Timing your nutrition

For breakfast, it should consist of proteins, fats, and carbs. Of course. But don't be excessive with the carbs and fats. Carbs, if excessive, will make you sluggish. A bit of carbs and fats will definitely power you up along with protein, keeping you anabolic and strong!

For lunch, I wouldn't eat a lot of carbs either. Since it's mid-day, you don't wanna feel too full nor sluggish. So same as breakfast, a bit of carbs and fats, and of course protein will do the job.

For workout sessions: Have a healthy meal. More carbs than usual in order to perform at your best during your workout session. Carbs fuel us up with energy, so if you're low on carbs before your workout, try eating more carbs in order to get more energy. But! If you're not going to use all of those carbs, it'll result in you feeling sluggish and tired.

For dinner; Don't go too heavy on anything. Should be balanced.

Exercising for ABS

You don't have to work out or exercise for abs. You already have them. It depends on your body fat and genetics. If you're overweight - you won't see abs. If you're fit/skinny - you will see abs.

However, genetics do play a role. If you're not blessed with good abs genetics, then you should train them.

By training them, you'll make them a bit more defined, thicker and blockier. You can shape them a bit, but anything over that will make them denser, thicker, and blockier.

Ab training shouldn't be done every day. Maybe 2/3x out of the week because you don't want to overgrow them.

When you train them, you'll make them harder, and by making any muscle HARDER, it'll look better.

Best Exercise for Keeping a Small-Tight Stomach

Stomach Vacuums

Stomach vacuums are one of the best Abdominal exercises. It enforces the abdominal muscles to stay in place, to stay tight and locked in. 

If you don't exercise your Abs, most likely they're weak - probably causing back pain, etc.

When you train any muscle - you will make them tighter! When you look at muscles that are locked in, and tight, they seem harder and denser. Which will make any physique POP!

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