Why People Prefer To be Enhanced While Being a Fitness Person

 This is nothing new. We all have desired goals and fantasies within our minds. We'll DO ANYTHING to achieve that goal. But...The issue is, we're Never Satisfied.

It's true, when we meet our "goal" it's like, What is next? Well, the -next- thing to do, is to surpass your goal and to improve upon what you've already accomplished because we love to strive for more; We love to go beyond the limits of what we're actually capable of. 

I mean, it's everywhere. People push their body's to the limit. Going to the Moon, Doing Crazy stunts that may lead to death...Bodybuilding, ETC. It's everywhere.

But in the bodybuilding realm; It's scary.

Even back in the days, the old days, without the proper use of the internet and even technology, people were purchasing and buying PEDS or Steroids. People somehow figured out how to synthesize certain chemicals to formulate steroids. So Steroids have always been around for hundreds of years. 

Testosterone was first synthesized in Germany in 193515 and was used medically to treat depression. Professional athletes began misusing anabolic steroids during the 1954 Olympics, when Russian weightlifters were given testosterone.

I say Bodybuilding is scary because we can Alter our Bodies! We can alter the genes and the way the body works and processes. It's wild to imagine how we can surpass the limits, and overcome the hard-coded functions within our bodies by using certain compounds. And thus, I find it scary.

Using steroids can lead to death ultimately, but not always. It can cause much more stress on the human body, so look out for anything weird if using any. Steroids aren't 100% safe, so be cautious.

 When Using steroids, everything will be Ramped Up, Amplified, Increased, Enhanced - to a supraphysiological level. Meaning, every processes, and abilities your body produces and does and exerts, it'll be enhanced to a certain Degree.

Your performance, recovery, strength, durability, the ability to exert pressure, and other things in that nature will be enhanced essentially. So, you're like SuperMan without the flying ability.

This is Why People love Steroids. The enhancement of the body's processes allows them to go beyond of what the body was able to do before.

So... You'll Get Bigger, Stronger, Denser, Freakier Looking, and overall like a monster. You see the people on steroids. They look WILD! 

But sometimes people don't always want to get big or don't get big off of steroids. You need to put in the hard work, the constant eating to keep up with protein synthesis, and to keep continuing in the progression of muscle building and so forth. Just because you took steroids doesn't mean it'll magically develop muscles, etc. You need hard and consistent work in order to achieve anything.

People just rely on steroids to help them achieve their goals faster. It's more efficient to do so because everything is "enhanced." There are so many steroids out there that target and affect the body in different ways, so you can achieve any body type, figure, or look you want by choosing the right compound.

It's like using certain organic elements found on Earth. So, for example, lots of people use steroids for fat burning right? Well, we people use Caffeine/coffee as a supplement to aid in fat loss, as well. Even though they're not even comparable by any means, it's a good example of how we use certain compounds as "supplements" and which they are, but many people consider them "drugs." See what I mean?

Bodybuilding Professional Life and Competitions (& PED USE)

Bodybuilding is a real sport. You live and breathe bodybuilding. Eating, Working Out, Taking care of yourself and sleeping; And ultimately, repeating this every day up until you compete. People in the bodybuilding life as a Sport have a Goal in mind. To win the Competitions. Even to the degree of Becoming the Olympian Champ. Mr. Olympian Champ. Big Ramy currently holds the title. 

Bodybuilding is very, and I mean very Competitive. Because there are so many guys in this sport. It's a male-Dominate sport. Every meal is an "Alpha" in this sport. So with that being said, everyone believes they're the best. Which I completely Agree, This sport is subjective, but never be that competitive where you're shaming your opponents...

But, since everyone has this High-Level Confidence, They'll do anything and I mean anything to achieve #1 in this sport. This sport is not the highest regulated sport, so there are many things you can do in this sport that you cannot do elsewhere. And that Is - Steroid Use. I mean in general, steroids aren't legal, but you can get away with it.

Bodybuilders have been using Steroids from an early time. It's not new; So people utilize steroids to bypass their genetic limitations and become the biggest muscular guy on stage. This is why so many people look freaky and huge in the bodybuilding lifestyle.

The Mission and Goal of the Competitions are to examine each individual's physiques' and determine Who HAS the Best-Muscular Looking Physique. So, people will do anything to look the freakiest. Using Diuretics, Steroids, PEDs, manipulating nutrients, and so forth. 

At the end of the day, the sport is driven by Ego and self-esteem. We're always wanting to look the best, but we can end up becoming obsessive with it, and that Will definitely leads to consequences that will potentially reduce our lifespan.

Bodybuilding itself is dangerous and can be an unhealthy sport. If participating, make sure you prioritize everything - sleep, diet, nutrition, and health overall. Especially if using steroids/peds. 


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