Transgenders Entering Bodybuilding Male Competitions

 Transgenders Entering Bodybuilding Male Competitions

In this day in age, anything can become true. Your dreams and fantasies can become true if you're willing to have the patience for them.

A lot of people are coming out of the closet and trying to enter opposite gender sports. 

Why? I don't know, perhaps it's because they feel like they're more welcome in the other gendered sport than the real gender sport that they're supposed to be in.

A great story by, Aryan Pasha, or was known as Naiyla Pasha, was a female, but now is a male. She didn't agree on the way she was born - as a female - so at an early age, she began to wear boy's clothing to represent herself as a male.

As time continue, she began to play with boys more and participate in male sports, and ultimately, made it into the bodybuilding life and stage.

She did at first, competed in Female competitions, but that was not her goal; her goal was to enter male competitions and be a part of the male community that she insisted in the first place to be recognized as a male.

Aryan became the first Indian trans man to win a prize in the male category at a bodybuilding event. Then 26, he came second in the Men’s Physique (short) category of Musclemania India 2018, the sub-edition of a prestigious international bodybuilding competition.

Ayran Pasha never let himself go nor doubted himself. He eventually made it to the high-ranked leagues such as the IFBB & IHFF.

"Aryan Pasha Bodybuilding Career

Since 2019, Pasha has appeared in leagues such as the IFBB, International Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation, and International Health, Sports & Fitness Festival. He has appeared in multiple shows with top-five finishes in three over the years. This includes a first-place finish in the IHFF in 2020 and a sliver medal at Musclemania in 2018."

This story has inspired thousands if not millions of people to Embrace who they are, and what their goals are.


What Do You Think About Opposite Genders entering other opposite gendered sports and winning? Is it an issue? 

It can be complex and complicated. Since Bodybuilding is a completely different sport; anything goes in this realm. Steroid use is used and any type of supplement/ped can be used to your advantage. Compared to sports like basketball, soccer, etc, I can find opposite genders entering the opposite gendered sport can be a huge issue...Just like the girl winning the Olympic Medal but was later revoked due to being "transgender" and having an "advantage." I agree, but in the realm of bodybuilding - Steroids alter biology - to an extent.

When females use Steroids and other PEDS, they may begin to develop male-like characteristics. The Output overall is and will be like a male, but you aren't a male. A Male transitioning into a female is much 'worse' because now you're suppressing all the "male" hormones to end up like a female, so therefore, you may lose strength, power, and overall performance...

So, when Females use steroids in Bodybuilding, you can say that it's a 50/50 when it comes to competing; Whether if it's a transgender male competing against Real Males, it can go either way. Bodybuilding is not a sport like basketball but rather a showcase of your body - your physique.

Building muscle can be done by anybody, but males have it easier due to higher testosterone and other hormones, so when females utilize steroids, they may claim that they're on the same level as males, in male competitions...

Do you think this is true? But if so, let's switch the roles around.

If we were to have a Male transition into a female and enter female bodybuilding competitions, is that person on the same level as a real female? I don't believe so, because I honestly think that since they were born as a male, their biology still outweighs the drugs that make them "females."

Let's discuss it below!

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