Dangers of Having a Shredded Physique Year-Round

When you're in the sub-5% body fat, your body will essentially go into a state of conserving muscle tissue and organs. It's quite unhealthy to be that low in body fat % because it's optimal for your body.

Your body likes fat, but not too much of it. However, when you're shredded, most likely, you're depleted and deficient in many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help regulate the body's hormones and energy balance. It's important to regulate these otherwise health issues will occur. As you continue to stay shredded, you'll notice signs of warnings. These warnings are to warn you that you must pay attention to your health. If you're having a well-rounded diet while staying shredded, you can avoid muscle loss, performance loss, etc, but still, you're going to hinder your overall performance when staying shredded.

[Be aware of fake natty's online that are super shredded but yet still manage to lift very heavily? Sounds a bit suspect in my opinion, and most likely, they're on steroids. Don't idolize these people in such a way that you want to become like'em because you won't and can't due to them taking enhancements...]



1) Brain Fog is Real

Nutrients make the body and mind healthy and running properly. When you're consuming low calories and have a strict diet, that will cause brain fog due to being deficient in many nutrients.

2) Your Bones and Muscles Become Weaker

Bones and Muscles require a lot of nutrients to make sure that they're strong, durable and healthy to sustain such a lifestyle. So, with that being said, if you're deficient and/or don't focus on nutrition, your muscles and bones will become brittle and you're at risk of becoming injured. So don't do 1 rep maxes! lol.

3) Your Testosterone Drops

Yes, your testosterone will drop due to low calories and being deficient. This won't stimulate testosterone because your body is essentially in fighting mode. Fight or flight. It's trying to survive while being so lean rather than building muscle. Your body's first priority is to conserve as much, not to build while being deficient and what not. So, if you're wanting to get bigger...Don't stay shredded. Bulking & Shredding cycles.

4) Hunger is no joke

You'll face hunger pains throughout the day. Many people drink coffee, drink tons of water, eat low-calorie dense foods, or smoke in order to curb their appetite. By curbing your appetite, you won't be as hungry. Hunger will be one side effect everyone faces. If you let it get a hold of you, you may binge eat.

5) Recovery is Hindered

Without the proper, vital, and essential nutrients, you won't recover as efficiently. You'll notice, your recovery time will be longer, you'll be sore longer, your performance will dip, and so forth. A proper nutrition diet is required and essential for those who stay shredded for a long time.

6) Energy levels aren't there

You will feel fatigued and lazy all the time in my opinion because you're lacking the proper nutrients for proper brain function. 

To help with these daily lifestyle issues, you can use medicinal herbs. Medicinal herbs are plants to help us, humans, with many lifestyle aspects such as stress, performance, hormones, etc. These herbs will increase your daily life productivity and performance and will reduce anxiety.

> Read: https://delicatefitness.blogspot.com/2021/11/medicinal-herbs-to-use-to-regulate.html

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