Keeping Your ABS [Tips]
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To have ABS, you need a low enough body fat PERCENTAGE in order to REVEAL Your ABS.
Everyone has abs, but if you have layers of fat on your stomach, you won't see your abs. Dieting and nutrition are key. Calorie deficit to reduce fat is required along with proper nutrition.
Eating healthy is the major key to sustaining a ripped physique. The better and healthier meals/foods you consume, the healthier body you will have. And it'll be much harder to gain fat due to eating clean. Clean foods or healthy foods nourishes the body in a proper way that it'll help detox the body, making it easier to lose fat and promote lean muscle mass; your performance will be increased and improved and everything overall will be performing much much better.
With a poor diet and nutrition in place, you will gain stubborn fat, especially around the areas that are known to hold fat such as the stomach, legs, and lower back. A Ba diet will also affect you mentally, physically and internally. First off, it'll cause irritation for your gut, and thus can create acne, skin issues, and much more. Secondly, with poor nutrients, your performance is or will be impacted and this is not good for bodybuilders and athletes. Thirdly, you're at higher risk of cancer, organ issues, and other health-related issues. Food, nutrients, and chemicals, etc all affect us in one way.
If you don't pay attention, signs will show up such as feeling achy, pain, tired/exhausted all the time, can't recover, loss of strength, mental clarity is impacted, and just prone to being injured and/or illnesses. If you have a proper diet/nutrition regime in place, you can avoid this issue because you're providing your body with the right and proper nutrients that'll nourish us and combat any illness, and helps with recovery & performance elements. Food is crucial and critical. People take it for granted. Use it as fuel, not as a fun source to enjoy tasty foods.
To enter a calorie deficit phase, you must know how many calories you're consuming on a daily & weekly basis. To do this, you need to track your calorie consumption by using an app or a journal. When you've figured out how many calories you're consuming on a daily & weekly basis, you MUST NOW CONSUME fewer calories than your average calorie consumption. For example, if you found out that your daily & weekly calorie consumption is around ~4,000 cals, then you must consume fewer than ~4,000 calories. Deduct about ~300-500 calories from your average to enter a "calorie deficit" phase. Now, your goal is to consume around ~3,500-3,700 calories daily & weekly in order to see fat-loss results. Continue with this process to see further progress. Once you have low enough body fat, you can now maintain that calorie goal until you're ready to begin bulking.
If you already have abs and want to learn how to maintain them, just focus on your diet and nutrition. Eat clean as possible. Avoid the useless junk stuff such as sodas, chips, and other things that are pointless because they do not benefit the body, it does not provide nourishment, therefore, those foods, the junk foods are not a value for us other than using it to be alive or to survive because it does contain calories.
Treat and nourish your body right. Vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, healthy sources of fats, proteins, and carbs are all you need to maintain a ripped physique. Don't overeat, do not eat in a caloric surplus (bulking), and understand your body and habits. Eat til your content. Don't excessively eat. No eating cheat meals unless you have everything well organized within your dieting and nutrition regime. Don't binge on weekends, etc. Have a proper protocol and go along with it. That is the best way to maintain anything. A ripped physique, a big physique, n so forth.
Exercise is helpful but not required. It'll help burn extra calories which will result in fat loss. It'll also help shape your physique and define your abs. Cardio for instance is very effective for burning fat away because it requires constant energy, therefore, you're burning through a lot of calories which results in fat loss. Weightlifting also burns calories and builds muscle which will make you look sexier.
Using supplements can also help. Fat burners, etc can help boost metabolism; give energy; shuttle carbs into muscle instead of storing it as fat, etc. There are so many supplements on the market that you must do research to find what works for you and what is it intended for.
1) Eat healthy as much as you can. Avoid junk food, especially those foods that don't benefit us.
2) Exercising can help burn calories and tone up your body (muscles)
3) Calorie deficit to reduce fat
4) Using supplements can help burn fat, boost metabolism, etc.
5) Stay patient and consistent. That is key to maintaining a shredded physique year-round.