Carnivore Diet (Meat Diet | No carbs, no sugar, no processed foods) Meat Only Diet

 Generally, the Carnivore diet, also known as the zero-carb diet, consists of no plant-based foods, no fruit or vegetables, and no processed carbohydrates (for instance, cereals and grains).

The Purpose of the Carnivore Diet

The point of the carnivore diet is to improve an individual's health outcome. Many people face health complications due to today's food processing and harmful ingredients within. As we eat a typical American diet, we're vulnerable and prone to all types of health issues that millions of people face each year. The carnivore diet supposedly enhances your health, promotes weight loss, and optimizes your performance. Considering, you are only eating meat, fish, and eggs, it's much harder to become unhealthy due to restricting other nutrients. It excludes all other foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.
Although many say that the carnivore diet isn't ideal for many reasons, it's a preference thing for many, and for others, they think it's nonsense.

  • Helps with weight loss
  • Improves energy
  • Improves mood
  • Less hunger/cravings
  • Fulfills protein quota
  • Builds muscle (due to high protein intake)

The carnivore diet is a more extreme version of the keto diet. The goal is to cut out glucose and turbocharge the body’s fat-burning capabilities to replace the lost fuel and make up for the lack of glucose — a process called ketogenesis.

Increasing your protein intake and reducing your carb intake may help you lose weight. That said, the extremely high amounts of protein and complete elimination of carbs on the Carnivore Diet are not necessary to lose weight.

Carnivore diet food list

  • red meat
  • white meat
  • offal (i.e., organ meat)
  • animal fat (i.e., lard)
  • poultry
  • fish
  • seafood
  • eggs
Restrictive diets are incredibly difficult to stick with in the long-term!

--> The carnivore diet is an extreme diet that deprives you of adequate nutrition. However, extreme weight loss also comes with a yoyo effect. Sure, you lose the weight, but many people end up putting it back on and getting even heavier.

Short-term side effects of Carnivore Diet

    Your body will adapt eventually
  • Nausea Vomiting
  • Headache  Fluid imbalances
  • Fatigue Dizziness
  • Insomnia Constipation

Foods to avoid on a Carnivore Diet

Restricted foods include:
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, green beans, peppers, etc.
  • Fruits: apples, berries, bananas, kiwi, oranges, etc.
  • High-lactose dairy: milk, yogurt, soft cheese, etc.
  • Legumes: beans, lentils, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, etc.
  • Grains: rice, wheat, bread, quinoa, pasta, etc.
  • Alcohol: beer, wine, liquor, etc.
  • Sugars: table sugar, maple syrup, brown sugar, etc.
  • Beverages other than water: soda, coffee, tea, fruit juice, etc.

Why You Should Not Use The Carnivore Diet Method

  • Restrictive Diet leads to malnutrition
  • Loss of proper nutrients from plants
  • An excessive amount of Sodium intake
  • High in saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Processed meat intake has also been linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer, including colon and rectal cancer
  • No fiber intake
  • Chronic kidney disease, should not follow the diet
  • Do not follow this method if you have a health condition! consult with your doctor.

In A Nutshell - Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is a fad. It's a marketing scheme and/or people actually believe in this nonsense. This diet is very restrictive meaning that you are limited on nutrient intake which may cause health issues due to being vitamin/mineral deficient. People who are on the carnivore diet, they may have to use supplements to aid their health. For a long-term approach, I would not recommend this. It's unrealistic and you're excluding many important and vital nutrients for proper nourishment. When you exclude plant-based nutrients you're prone to deficiencies and other issues. Sure, this diet is suitable for those who want to lose a lot of fat and to maintain a shredded physique, however, it's not necessary to use this method to develop a shredded physique. Proper calorie manipulation is all you need if you're wanting to become shredded. This diet model is for those who can stick with it. It is easy and convenient for them to use this method. If it does not affect you as much, you should be fine. On the other hand, we tend to forget about micronutrients, so if you are using this method, prioritize micronutrients in order to optimize health, performance, and recovery. If you're looking for a carnivore alternative, I would suggest a regular Keto-diet. A little bit of carbs, yes on vegetable intake, and controlling/balancing your calories is key when it comes to managing weight. You'll feel a whole lot better when you aren't on a restrictive diet, but of course, everyone has their own opinions and preference. 

-> By cutting out whole food groups from your diet, you will deprive your body of essential nutrients.

What About The Weight Loss and Physique Transformations From People Around The Globe?

Guys and girls, we people aren't perfect. If we aren't knowledgeable in fitness or health, we can claim anything to be true. In today's society, we market everything to get a quick buck. It's fine, but when you mislead something, it creates a bigger problem. Then we have millions of people across the globe promoting this dieting method because they tried it and it worked for them. When we have a goal in mind - weight loss in this case - we will do anything to promote weight loss, right? I mean, people take fat burners, etc expecting that they'll remove a lot of fat Fast, but that's not the case. Fat burners work by putting in the work as well, so no, fat burners are not the magic pill to make you ripped. Simply, people like the carnivore diet because prior to their carnivore diet lifestyle they had a sh*tty diet. They were probably consuming a whole lot of processed junk foods and what not which causes weight gain, obesity, and other health complications. So when they use the carnivore diet, they like the result because they're actually staying on track, they're avoiding junk foods and prioritizing healthier foods to better their nourishment. All, in reality, they're still causing harm to the body but not as drastic or harmful when compared to eating nothing but junk food and being obese.

To put it in a simple fashion; this diet is a fad, it's a quick fix to lose fat quickly. However, it's unrealistic due to the restriction of vital nutrients. People use this diet because it can be easy and enjoyable for them. They can stay consistent with this approach opposed to eating [healthier] foods such as vegetables. (Vegeabtles and fruits are the powerhouses of nourishment...) All you're doing is eating meat, and who doesn't love meat? However, since we're depleting ourselves from proper nutritents from vegetables and fruits and other things, we're prone to health issues. This is not ideal for most people.

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