Why Can't Bodybuilders Say They Use Steroids?

 Why Can't Bodybuilders Say They Use Steroids?

Anabolic steroids can be used as performance-enhancing drugs that increase muscle mass and decrease fat, as well as causing many undesirable effects. Some athletes, weightlifters and bodybuilders take them regularly to improve their physical performance and build up their bodies.

Many people wonder if people are genuine and legit when it comes to their progress, or how they develop such physique. It's one of those questions that'll be avoided and ignored because simply, they do not have to answer you...

See, when it comes to bodybuilders, there are many secrets and techniques to developing and obtaining a certain look, physique, etc. Although many people understand what is actually going on, due to science, facts, and logic. Those who aren't aware, listen up.

In America, and other countries, drugs are illegal. Depending on the drug, you may or may not get in trouble for USING and/or having it in your possession. See, the drugs I'm referring to are: Anabolic drugs. Steroids. Steroid is a drug. It enhances the human's body capabilities. It improves and enhances strength, power, recovery, and so forth. But along comes with it are consequences. Steroids aren't natural to the human body, hence why it's used on LAB RATS, not for human consumption, but it does affect the body in a powerful way. It essentially enhances, speeds up, and puts your body into overdrive to become "stronger and better." People who take steroids have certain goals. For one, it could be to become bigger, much much bigger. Secondly, the strength and power is crazy, and thirdly, it's effective in manipulating your physique.

These internet celebs, celebs, and/or fitness influencers who look like a beast with low body fat are most likely not natural. For instance, THE ROCK, Do you think he's natural?

No, he's not. He is old, and he should be wearing down by now, but as he progressing in his age, he's just getting better and stronger. No human body can stop the aging process, so people speculate on drugs - steroids. The steroids are making The Rock bigger, stronger, and somewhat healthier if he's prioritizing health. Steroids won't kill you, as long if you're doing it properly.

The world and industries, and entertainment are fulfilled with cosmetics, makeup, drugs, steroids, fillers, and so forth. It's ridiculous why people don't come out and tell the truth when clearly, we see it. The proof is evident. No need to hide such a thing when it's apparent, noticeable, and obvious. The rock, for example, is an obvious example of steroid use because of how unnatural this human being is. For years, many people thought Arnold was natural, but ARNOLD used Steroids in his prime years. He has always been a gear-user. People always claim he was natural during his bodybuilding career. False. He's been on gear, always used it, but not sure if he ever mentioned it in his bodybuilding career, and surely, he did not praise it.

When spectators or fans ask questions to people who are big, freakish, or outstanding regarding "Steroid use," they turn the question down. It is somewhat a buzzkill for them. Knowing for one, it's illegal to discuss, and for two, if they discuss it, they may get in trouble, risking their business and much more. Also, people who use steroids don't like when people claim steroids will automatically give you the size and strength you expect to obtain/have. Steroids don't make you big off the bat, you must put in the hard work to develop what you want. It takes years to obtain what you're wanting. Steroids aren't the answer to everything. So when you're questioning a man's physique or progress, he may feel attacked and threatened because lots of people don't realize the hard work ethic that must be put on the table first. 

On the other hand, the answer lies in the laws of the state and country. See, depending on where you live, drugs come in many ways; legal and non-legal. In America, Steroids are illegal to purchase and to use, but if you can obtain it somehow without getting caught, and if you don't announce that you're using steroids to the cops or to the government or to anyone, No One Will Know. If you're keeping drugs a secret, no one would know therefore, you won't get in trouble. Now, I'm not saying to do it and hide it because there's still a chance you may get caught. And all Seriousness, many people are not educated when it comes to steroids. Advanced users, people who are smart and knowledgeable must do proper research when it comes to understanding gear.

So, the next time you ask someone if they are using steroids or not, ask yourself, is this a logical time to be asking? If you're asking in front of a crowd, that's a big no. I would ask personally, in a private setting. No person should announce that they're using gear unless the person knows what she/he is doing to avoid getting in trouble. Some users don't care and will tell you the truth. Some will lie, because of the laws and there is one more thing. Affiliates, sponsorships and etc.

Sponsorships, affiliates, and companies have a policy and/or contracts with their peoples. If you promote a brand or are sponsored by a company or working for a company, they may have strict rules. Similar to laws of the government, some companies or sponsors don't like when their people talk about controversial topics or taboo topics because it raises too much attention, and legally speaking, it's to cover your butt to avoid getting jail-time. This is another reason why Bodybuilders don't speak upon their steroid use or ignore the question. They do not want to ruin their opportunities they have.

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