10 Simple Weight Loss Tips

Simple Weight Loss Tips

Here are 10 tips for Weight-loss! Learn how to lose weight easily! These 10 tips will give you an insight on how to stay on track and motivated during your weight-loss journey! If you have questions, comments or anything, please use the comment section below!

1) Portion Control

I believe everyone in America has a problem with their portion control. It's because food is deceiving, we want and will get the foods we crave and want to indulge in, so we think it's okay to have a huge portion of that or a huge portion in general. Some people have an eating disorder - eating excessively. You must be aware of what you're eating, and how you're eating. You must understand the foods and its role. It's called MINDFUL EATING. Mindful eating is about using mindfulness to reach a state of full attention to your experiences, cravings, and physical cues when eating. Essentially, you're in control of everything, the food decision, and the consumption. 

In Short, Don't Over Eat. Have reasonably sized meals, don't have too much of anything, limit yourself, and know what you're putting in your body. Many of today's foods are processed which harms the body, so try to consume organic foods as much as possible to maximize health. Have well-rounded nutritional meals within your lifestyle. Vegetables and fruits are the powerhouses of nutrients. Nutrients is key for health and for performance, etc. (Makes it easier to lose weight as well).

2) Limit Junk Foods/Processed Foods

Tons of foods are processed and we're not aware of it...Not all foods are processed, you just have to read the labels properly. Organic foods are the best to strive for because it contains all of its whole source of vitamins and minerals, without being processed in any way. Processed foods strip away nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and contain excessive amounts of ingredients such as salt, sugar, and other additives which is harmful to the body in the long run. That's why people end up developing health complications - Due to junk nutrients they're consuming. These foods are 'non-nutritional value foods' meaning it has no value for us, other than Calories. Calories are important to surviving, but we should as humans strive for Micronutrients; the critical nutrients that'll actually help nourish our bodies. Many fast foods and overall junk foods lack many critical vitamins and minerals, thus is why people get sick, but yet the food is addicting and convenient...It's made that way for a reason people!

3) Consuming Organic Foods

As mention above, organic foods are way healthier than those typical foods we eat on the daily basis. It's hard to find fresh organic foods because most grocery stores do not sell'em, depending on the store...However, there are Organic Grocery stores that do sell only organic fruits and veggies, etc. Organic foods contain all of their nutrients, vitamins, and minerals - Not being processed nor being stripped away from its nutrients. 

4) Don't Drink Your Calories

Sodas, juices are filled with sugar. Sugar itself is bad for the body if consumed excessively. Anyhow, sugary beverages are a big no-no. They are loaded with sugar, they do not benefit/nourish the body, and it's harmful to us. So why do we excessively consume these sodas and what not? Because the people who create it design it in a way to brain-wash us up, to make us crave it more and more for money. (in my opinion).

5) Drink More Water

Water is important. I mean, so important but yet many many people fail to drink water to become hydrated throughout the day. In fact, many people think there thirst is hunger, so they will eat to essentially fulfill that sensation. Drink more water throughout the day, and realize how full you will be before and after meals. You won't eat as much and it'll make the body healthier. Water is key, without water you're harming yourself. 

6) Exercise

Exercise should be a weekly thing for everyone. The Human body needs exercise. Without exercise, your body will begin to break down and become fragile, weak, and prone to injuries and illnesses. Hence why many people develop early issues such as pains, aches, etc - Due to lack of movement/exercise. Anyway, exercise will promote calorie-burning which will help with weight-loss. It'll aid in your fat-loss journey, so Exercise! HIIT, cardio, and weightlifting are great to burn fat.

7) Fill up on high-fiber foods

High fiber foods are very filling but are much lower in calories than processed, low fiber foods. Use this to your advantage by eating more high fiber foods. Good examples include:

  • Oatmeal
  • Brown and wild rice
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Wholemeal bread

High fiber foods are good for your digestive health and can help lower your blood glucose and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels.

8) Identify and avoid your overeating triggers

If you eat when you aren’t hungry, you run the risk of derailing your diet. A lot of people eat when they are sad, tired, or stressed. Others eat more than they should when they drink alcohol, or when they are with specific groups of friends.

Make a note of the times you feel tempted to overeat or break your diet and identify any triggers that cause this behavior. From then on, try and avoid these triggers, so it’s easier to stay true to your diet.

9) [Meal Prep] Plan and make your healthy meals in advance

It’s harder to eat healthily when you are hungry and tired, or you are running short on time. You might have meant to make something nutritious to eat, but then ended up ordering a pizza simply because you got home feeling too tired to cook. Diet fail!

Avoid this problem by planning and cooking your healthy meals in advance. A lot of successful dieters batch-cook healthy meals over the weekend, so they have lots of healthy food to eat during the following week.

With plenty of healthy but convenient food available, you have one less excuse to break your diet.

10) Record your progress

Done right, weight loss should be a slow process. Expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. That way, you won’t need to starve yourself, and you’ll find it easier to stick to your diet for as long as it takes to reach your target weight.

However, such slow progress is not very motivating, and you might feel like you are wasting your time.

Avoid this problem by recording your progress so you can see just how far you have come in the weeks and months since you started your diet. Options include:

  • Progress photos
  • Weekly weigh-ins
  • Take measurements of your hips, thighs, and waist
  • Body composition measurements, e.g., skinfold or bioelectrical impedance
  • The hole on your belt

However, you do it, measure and record your progress and take pride in your achievements.

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