My Fat Loss Approach

My Fat Loss Approach

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My Fat loss Techniques

When it comes to losing fat, I like to focus and prioritize on healthy eating to help nourish the body; Nourishment is key when it comes to being healthy and to promote strong and durable muscles, and bones. Secondly, I focus on calorie tracking; tracking calories to determine whether if I'm eating too much or too little; that'll give me an advantage because I know how many calories my body needs in order to lose fat. You have to consume fewer calories than before if you're wanting to promote fat-loss and thus is known as a calorie deficit. When you place your body in a calorie deficit, your body has no choice but to lose it's fat, so that's why it's effective. Thirdly, I focus on training/exercising. I know a lot of people cannot exercise, so if you cannot, I recommend to heavily focus on diet and nutrition and placing yourself in a calorie deficit. Perhaps even intermittent fasting can help with those who have a hard time losing fat. In conclusion, it's all about the calories and how good or healthy your diet is. Consume healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, berries etc. Avoid fast food, processed foods, junk foods, frozen foods, and prioritize healthy organic whole-foods. Veggies, nuts, seeds are nutrient powerhouses; these give the most beneficial nutrients. Nutrients is key especially when it comes to losing that stubborn fat. Junk food develops stubborn fat if you accumulate these toxic nutrients within your body over time.

So if you need help with your diet, hit me up and hire me as your coach..

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My name is Tommy. I was born with a life-threatening disease called, Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Since I was born, I had broken over 100+ bones along with countless surgical procedures. This is my journey to become stronger, better, happier, and to motivate yall people.
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