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Oi.Strength's Coaching

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Hi Everyone! My name is Tommy. I'm an aspiring Bodybuilder. 
I started my journey when I was 18; I began this journey to develop strength and muscle because I have a debilitating health condition called, osteogenesis imperfecta. Anyhow, Since I began my journey, It became my passion. I've acquired the knowledge on what it takes to build muscle, become healthy, lose weight, improve diet and nutrition regime, improve lifestyle, how to combat depression and other mental issues and much more. I'm an overall Life/Fitness/Health/Bodybuilding Coach. I offer more than just building muscle, fixing up diet and nutrition and losing weight; I can improve your life overall!
So below are my services. I offer Health, Fitness and Bodybuilding Services.


[Bodybuilding]*Build Muscle

  • - Building Muscle
  • - Meal Prep
  • - Training Optimization/Guidance
  • - Lifestyle/health Optimization
  • - Bulking & Shredding Guidance
  • "Weight Gain & Weight Loss"

[Meal Prepping:]

  1. Improved Diet plan to help with performance & Recovery.
  2. You have the option: Vegan or Non Vegan
  3. Every individual meal plan is custom made
  4. Healthy outcome

[Weight Loss Help]

- Optimizing Meals for weight loss, health and for performance.
- Diet and Nutrition info/101.

[Weight Gain Help]

- Diet and Nutrition info 101
- Optimizing Diet for Weight gain, health and for performance.

[Lifestyle &; Health Optimization]

- Reduce Stress
- Feel better
- Acquire/Gain more Energy
" Feel more Alive and more focus/alter"
- Improve bodybuilding "gainz"
- Improve health and promote longevity.
- Eliminate toxicity/negativity from your life

I offer more than Fitness and Health services, I'm a person who you can rely on, a person who you can trust and talk to - I'm your mentor, Therapist, guidance, all the above.

My goal is to Inspire and Motivate You to become the strongest and healthiest version of yourself. 

To accomplish that you must first change your life[style].

Please FIll out the Form below to continue with the Coaching Services

- If you do not want my Personal Coaching Services, but want to Donate, click here.

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