9 Things Ruining Your Muscle Building Progress!

Things Ruining Your Muscle Building Progress!

Does it seem like you aren't growing? Are you stuck or a beginner when it comes to bodybuilding? Learn what you're doing wrong with these top tips. Remember to comment, and share to help out this website.
9 Things Ruining Your Muscle Building Progress!


- Not eating enough is the main issue for most people. We can work out for hours, however, that's not ideal, but the main thing people cannot do is eat [enough]. Depending on your goals, and how you live, eating may be hard for you. I know it is for me, and if you're wanting to grow, you must eat. You must consume certain amount of calories at the end of the day if you're wanting to promote growth or to maintain what you have. If you're underfed, you'll end up in a catabolic state, meaning that your muscles will begin to lose it's mass because you aren't feeding it properly. To know how much calories you need in order to grow, I recommend using a calorie tracking app called Myfitnesspal. You can track calories, and determine if you need to eat more or less in order to grow/maintain/etc.


- Overtraining is real, but difficult to do so. To get this overtraining, you have to be literally overtraining the muscles that you have been training previously. For example, the biceps are involved in a lot of exercises, depending on how heavy you go about them; however, they're still being attacked/used, therefore, it may be 'overtrained.' On the other note, if you're training a particular muscle for every day, that's overtraining, especially if you go balls to the walls when it comes to training 


-  Sleep is an important anabolic factor/state that everyone must prioritize because it's very important to promote a night of restful sleep. If you're deprived of sleep, you're not going to recover/grow/perform at your best. When you're sleeping, that's the most crucial part when it comes to restoring your body's health. Take supplements if necessary, but have a set sleeping schedule to ensure a healthy sleeping pattern.


- Too much stress causes cortisol to rise; When cortisol is released in the body, it acts like a catabolic factor, it inhibits growth, breaks down muscle tissue and stores fat. Its important to minimize your stress as much as possible.


- Proteins, fats and carbs are needed to grow muscle and to help them recover efficiently. If you're on the keto diet for example, you're restricting carbs in your diet, therefore, it's going to be much harder to promote muscle-growth, or to get big [massive]. The keto diet is made for strictly fat-loss, not for bulking. SO make sure that you're eating enough fats, carbs and proteins.


- Everyone trains at a different intensity rate; Some people like to go extreme and use their ego, while others, lift like a baby. If you're stuck and want to get big muscles, you're going to need to lift heavier or be more intense with your workouts. Lifting big is a key, but it's the intensity that matters. How you lift, are you using strict form, different variations, etc. Reps, sets, Weights, variations, tut, etc all counts.


- As mentioned above, training intensity must be improved if you're wanting to grow. So if you're lifting light, you need to lift heavy if you aren't seeing results. Compound exercises can help stimulate a lot of muscle fibers to get bigger and stronger. But if you're wanting mass, heavyweights are the thing to go about.


- Okay, now too much protein doesn't mean it's better, in fact, you're doing harm than good. Protein is surely needed for recovery, etc, so don't eliminate it from your diet, but perhaps you're eating too much protein and not enough other vital nutrients such as fats or carbs. So if you're neglecting fats/carbs, examine your diet and make adjustments. 


- If you're always lifting the same amount of weights, doing the same reps, sets, etc, you're not going to grow as much. You need to progressively overload your muscles, meaning you must improve your workout intensity. Lifting heavier, lifting for a longer time, more sets, reps, focus on time under tension, different workout variations, etc. Stimulate as much as you can to get the best results.


If you aren't dedicated to the goal, you aren't patient. You must have patience when it comes to bodybuilding. It takes days, weeks and months to achieve a certain thing. Focus on dieting and nutrition, lifestyle activities, and more. Everything counts in life when it comes to your physique/body and health. So, keep working, keep the intensity up and make no excuses. 

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