The Very Best Way to Develop A Tiny Waist

The Stomach Vacuum - How To Do It.

To execute the Stomach Vacuum, stand upright and place your hands on your hips, and exhale all the air out of your lungs, completely. Expand your chest, and bring your stomach in as much as possible, and hold. Visualize trying to touch your navel to your backbone. One isometric contraction of "X" seconds is one repetition.

 This is one of the best exercises you can perform to shrink your waistline in a very short amount of time.
Many can knock 2 to 4 inches off their midsection in as little as 3 weeks with this technique.

Benefits of Stomach Vacuums

building this area of the abdominal muscle will help you gain more control over your "abs" and assist you better in explosive lifts. Stomach Vacuums take practice, but they are extremely effective.
Helps define and shape your midsection
Helps with your gut

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