High Protein Snacks and Meals, Ideal for Bodybuilders

Protein is vital and necessary for Bodybuilding. It is what helps repairs the muscle after an intense workout session. When you work out, you are tearing the muscle fibers down, and the protein you consume will help aid in recovery. Without an adequate amount of protein, recovery time and muscle building won't be as efficient; protein is a must when it comes to building muscle and recovery.


If you're craving some food but want to snack only, consider trying these out because they consist of protein.

1) Beef Jerky - 13gs of protein in 1-oz servings.

2) Mix Nuts - Nuts like peanuts, cashews, and almonds are great for adding in more protein and nutrients into your diet. Add these into your oatmeal for example or just eat them as it is, very efficient for energy consumption and could be low on calories if you don't excessively eat'em.

3) Pumpkin Seeds. Pumpkin seeds have 7 grams of protein per serving, which is a lot.

4) Eggs/Hard-Boiled. They're rich in nutrients, Bcaas, omega-3, etc.

5) String-Cheese. Remember those string cheese in the plastic, probably got it from school or from 
your mom? Yeah, they're good in protein and calcium, I wouldn't eat a whole lot but it'll do the job.

6) Fruits & Vegetables. Vegetables provide fiber and beneficial nutrients and it's fulfilling. Fruits are sweet and can cure your sweet tooth or cravings. Some fruits such as Strawberries contain vitamin c which is beneficial for us. It's a natural way of getting vit. c.

Top Protein Foods & Meals

1) Eggs. Eggs are ideal for bodybuilders, high in protein, low in calories, good for breakfast and throughout the day.

2) Oatmeal. Perfect and ideal for a carb source, rich in nutrients, a good amount of calories to give you energy. You can add in seeds, PB & more for extra protein and calories.

3) Salmon. Salmon is rich in protein and nutrients. Many bodybuilders use salmon in their diet to receive their nutrients. Ideal for anyone and at any time.

4) Tuna. Tuna is also ideal for its low calorie and high protein count. Add this into your diet and you'll get enough protein in no time.

5) Steak. Steak, specifically lean cuts of steak are good in proteins and other nutrients. If you can afford steaks that are low in fat, lean cuts, you'll be gaining those gains in no time.

6) Chicken. The most commonly known protein source. Ideal for anyone and at any time.

There Are Countless of food selections to choose from. It's based on your decision and the information you know about that food item. If you want to know anything about food and it's nutrition base, you can google it, use an app called myfitnesspal or use Pinterest; Pinterest is great for on the go information regarding nutrition, workouts, etc. 

The food items, snacks, and meals are based on my preference and ideal list, however, there's many more to list. The foods I've listed I believe are beneficial for our health and for high protein consumption. 

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