Healthy Foods to Enjoy on Thanksgiving and Foods to Avoid

    Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude and celebration, often accompanied by indulgent feasts. While it's tempting to indulge in rich and calorie-laden dishes, it's also important to prioritize your health and make wise food choices. By incorporating healthy foods into your Thanksgiving menu, you can savor the festivities without compromising your well-being. In this article, we will explore a selection of nutritious options to include in your Thanksgiving spread, as well as some foods to avoid or consume in moderation.

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Ready to elevate your Thanksgiving feast? Discover the exceptional quality and flavors of Mountain Rose Herbs' organic spices and culinary herbs. Spice up your holiday dishes and create a memorable culinary experience. Explore our collection now!

Healthy Foods to Enjoy


  • Turkey is the centerpiece of most Thanksgiving meals, and it can be a healthy choice if prepared properly. Opt for skinless turkey breast, as it is lower in fat and calories compared to dark meat. Roast or grill the turkey instead of deep-frying to reduce the overall fat content. Remember to trim any visible fat before cooking to make it even healthier.

Fresh Vegetables:

  • Thanksgiving offers an excellent opportunity to include a variety of fresh vegetables in your meals. Roasted Brussels sprouts, steamed green beans, oven-baked sweet potatoes, and colorful roasted root vegetables are all nutritious options. These vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, providing essential nutrients to support your overall health.

Whole Grains:

  • Instead of traditional refined flour-based bread and rolls, consider incorporating whole grain alternatives into your Thanksgiving menu. Whole grain bread, quinoa, wild rice, or whole wheat pasta are excellent choices. These options are high in fiber, which aids digestion and helps you feel fuller for longer.



  • Cranberries, a Thanksgiving staple, are packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals that promote good health. Enjoy homemade cranberry sauce using fresh cranberries and natural sweeteners, such as honey or maple syrup, to avoid excessive sugar intake. Alternatively, opt for whole cranberries to garnish your dishes, adding a burst of flavor and nutrition.

Healthy Dessert Options:

  • Thanksgiving desserts are often laden with sugars and unhealthy fats. However, there are healthier alternatives that you can enjoy guilt-free. Consider serving a fruit salad with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a homemade pumpkin pie using natural sweeteners like dates or stevia. These options can satisfy your sweet tooth while providing valuable nutrients.

Foods to Avoid:

Deep-Fried Foods:

  • Deep-fried turkey, appetizers, or snacks should be consumed sparingly. The deep-frying process adds unnecessary calories and unhealthy fats, which can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease.

Sugary Beverages:

  • Avoid sugary sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages that are high in added sugars. Instead, opt for water, sparkling water, or unsweetened herbal tea to keep yourself hydrated without adding empty calories.

Excessive Butter and Cream:

  • While butter and cream can add richness to dishes, they are also high in saturated fats. Use them sparingly or consider healthier alternatives, such as olive oil, Greek yogurt, or low-fat milk, to reduce the overall fat content in your Thanksgiving recipes.

Processed Foods:

  • Steer clear of processed foods like canned soups, pre-packaged gravies, and boxed stuffing mixes. These items often contain high levels of sodium, unhealthy additives, and preservatives. Instead, prepare your own homemade versions using fresh ingredients and herbs.

Ready to elevate your Thanksgiving feast? Discover the exceptional quality and flavors of Mountain Rose Herbs' organic spices and culinary herbs. Spice up your holiday dishes and create a memorable culinary experience. Explore our collection now!


    Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy delicious food while maintaining a focus on health. By incorporating nutrient-rich options like turkey breast, fresh vegetables, whole grains, cranberries, and healthier dessert alternatives, you can have a satisfying and nourishing Thanksgiving meal. Remember to limit consumption of deep-fried foods, sugary beverages, excessive butter and cream, and processed foods to maintain a balanced and healthy holiday season.

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