This is Why Your Kids are FAT

 Why Your Kids are Overweight

When it comes to your kids, it is hard enough to try to get them to eat healthily - especially if you don't. So, today you will learn why your kids are overweight.

Simply - Your kid(s) are eating too much

What it comes down to is food volume. If your kids are eating more than usual, they're going to gain weight no doubt about that. So the key is, to reduce their food volume. From there, over time, the body will begin to lose its fat resulting in weight loss.

Also, you have to think about the quality of the food. Not only does calorie/food volume matter, but so does the nutrition aspect. If your kid(s) are eating nothing but junk foods, sweets, and whatnot, then definitely, they're vulnerable to weight gain and other health issues.

As a Kid, the body is still growing and adapting to conditions. You, as a parent or guardian need to enforce and promote a healthier lifestyle. This in return will create a stronger, more durable, healthier person in the long run. Because the body, from growing up, has evolved into something good. 

Kid(s) are Simply less active these days

In addition, another factor is activity levels. Are your kid(s) active, or inactive? If inactive, meaning they do not exercise, work out or do anything that exerts energy (or sports), then they're accumulating these calories into fat gain. Staying sedentary is not good, especially if the nutrition is off, along with eating in a surplus.

Kid(s) nowadays are typically on their phones and games. They don't get much activity in anymore. Kid(s) do not prefer to go outside as much anymore. So, this is the main reason why kids are overweight and/or obese these days. They're sedentary and do not eat healthily.

The human body not only needs proper, nutritious foods - it needs exercise. It needs to stay active and eat properly. Without these factors, your body will begin to downgrade, degrade and become malnourished and overweight

Parents - it also may be your fault

If you're eating unhealthily yourself, and if you're giving the same lifestyle choices that you're going about - you're promoting a bad nutritional lifestyle for your kid(s). Kid(s) will follow their parents and their regime/protocols unless they become educated otherwise; So, when they grow up on a bad nutritional diet lifestyle - most likely they'll continue eating poorly. 

You need to set an example. You need to educate your kids and enforce a healthy diet and lifestyle.

If you're buying nothing but junk foods and fast foods, then that is your issue. You're buying toxic foods - there is nothing nutritious or beneficial about junk/fast foods.

And, before you begin about how busy you are, and work (jobs) and whatnot. That situation is a Horrible Excuse! Imagine this. Instead of junky foods - think now of it as drugs. You would immediately help the person to become healthier and better, right? So, if yes, then why don't you have the power as an adult to promote a healthier lifestyle to your kid(s)? Simply, because you're too lazy, and/or you lack knowledge. I understand if you don't have the knowledge, I KNOW you know what are healthy foods vs junk foods.

Kid(s) Needs To Eat Healthily, and Exercise

Kids (s) are full of energy. They're wasting their time by playing video games all day every day. 

If you want your kid(s) to be big and strong, start enforcing that type of lifestyle.

Healthy eating, exercising, and learning is the key to staying humble, smart, and strong.

The body needs nutritious foods such as; Vegetables, fruits, seeds/nuts/berries, and healthy sources of fats, proteins, and carbs. Don't excessively eat - eat til full or satisfied. Have an array of nutrients - don't only have carbs, or fats; have multiple sources of nutrients. Proteins, carbs, and fats. Don't exclude any nutrients. 

Kid(s) need to utilize their energy by doing sports, learning a sport/hobby, running or some type of cardio. Also lifting weights can be ideal, but be careful and wise.

By promoting a healthy lifestyle, and enforcing it; your kids will adapt to it. They'll become adapted, and they will evolve. It is also a learning experience and journey. Along the way, they'll become educated on important things. And from this, they can change their lives and other people's lives for the good.

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