Most Hated in Bodybuilding : SYNTHOL : Still POPULAR TODAY - WHY?

 Why would Pro Bodybuilders use Synthol To Create Fake Muscles?

Bodybuilding shows are beauty pageant shows. Not speaking bad upon it, it is a showcase of beauty. Art, beauty, definition. Beauty/pageant shows. However, it can be deceiving.

Bodybuilders endure harsh conditions on a daily. They work out very hard and intensely, diet every day, and sacrifice a ton of things in order to achieve and maintain what they strive for.

Sometimes, we're not blessed when it comes to our body looks, contours, definition, and mass, and, each n every individual has their own genetic limit on building muscle, and so forth.

People try to shape a specific muscle by training it hard, using intensity methods to increase stimulation, and even using equipment to achieve greater stimulation for growth.

Then, people use Roids in order to go beyond their limitations of building muscle, that'll enhance their muscle development. But still - genetics will play a role.

Now, we're onto Site Injections or Enhancements. Injecting oils, Synthol, silicone, and jelly - to specific muscle groups to "enhance" that muscle. To define it more, to give it more POP, to make it thicker, dense, and more boulder-like.

"Synthol: Also known as SEO (Site Enhancement Oil) and legally sell on the internet as posing oil.  Created by German Chris Clark, Synthol is composed of 85% medium-chain triglyceride oils (a fatty acid), 7.5% lidocaine (painkiller), and 7.5 5 benzyl alcohol.  Synthol is injected intra-muscularly to enhance muscle size.  The muscle "growth" is bigger with the oil accumulation and the muscle inflammation.  About 30% of what is injected is metabolized by the body. The other 70% remains lodged in the muscle where it breaks down very slowly over three to five years.  As shown below, with multiple injections, the muscle size can get as big as you want.  But not necessarily aesthetic and far from being healthy."

"Synthol is used by bodybuilders as a temporary implant that is injected deep into small muscle groups such as biceps, deltoids, and triceps. 1 Why do they do this? Synthol offers immediate enlargement effects that can help them in competition."

However, utilizing Oils is very noticeable - if done incorrectly. Muscles that contain oils, or any type of filling will look sludge-like, oily, droopy, and overall distorted.

People will Do absolutely Anything to win these, Beauty Shows. Even though they've been working on their physique for years, they still will use site enhancement injections...

"The only reason why Synthol has a localized hypertrophic effect is that people are putting so much volume in their muscle bellies that it's forcing the muscle to stretch out to accommodate the oil being injected into it."

People like Rich Piana, Dave Palumbo, NASSER EL SONBATY, Milos, Etc; Pro Bodybuilders have used Synthol before. These people have been exposed of their Synthol use, and some Pro Bodybuilders have confessed to it. 

Read: Milos Sarcev Talks about His use of Synthol 

“I got my arms to 22 and a half inches. Like oh! You know I was slow, but it changed the shape of the anatomy. Then I ran out of that one, and then someone else gave me from South Africa, and that probably had some silicone in it. And it really it was super hard to push in anyway. Sarcev said. Then I realized that was like crystals, fibrotic tissue, necrotic, and then you touched my arms, and it was like of my god it’s dead to a door.

So, when you sell your soul to the devil, you get result and then the devil comes and claims it so the bigger arms that I had for a year, like a brick. It’s embarrassing. It would be visible but 2006, kind of I could pull it off, specifically posing. If I put forearm close to the biceps you know not away, to 99 and then Night of the Champions it looked ridiculous.”


Synthol use in Bodybuilding competitions is quite Normal. If done properly, you won't notice. Anyhow, Synthol, site enhancement oils have been used in early ages of Bodybuilders and bodybuilding.

It's part of the game. It's all beauty; The looks of the muscle. How attractive and pleasing it is to look at these physiques.

Flex Wheeler Using Synthol

Flex Wheeler is a phenom in this sport. One of the greatest Bodybuilders, am I right? Well, even the elite Bodybuilders like him, Flex Wheeler used Synthol, and so did a lot of other pro-bodybuilders in the 90s.

His site enhancement use in the past is obvious now that he has lost a significant amount of his foundation of muscle.

>> Flex Wheeler Confesses About His Use of Synthol

Rich Piana

Rich Piana using Synthol is true. He has tried almost EVERYTHING when it comes to bodybuilding. He mentions this in a video he made with Ric Drasin. 

 He mentions that It RUINS the muscle, the look, and ends up covering up the mess due to the abnormal looks.

In his passing, people are speculating whether SIlICONE was the cause of his death. Silicone can be deadly if enters the bloodstream. It's used commonly by everyone.

Rich Piana Addressing Synthol Use and "Flex Wheeler" Use of Synthol

Apparently, Rich Piana said Flex used 5 boxes of Synthol. So, he decided (RICH) to try it as well. But was a horrible choice. 

Death Revealed? VIDEO

Rich Doesn't Endorse/Enforce Synthol.

He knows it's Bullshit, ruins the muscle, and overall damages your self-esteem and career.

Latest Breaking News

Hadi Choopan Synthol Use - Says, Former Manager

"Hadi Choopan’s former manager, Hadi Parsafar, has claimed that Choopan injects his physique with Synthol – calling Choopan the “Synthol People’s Champion” in an Instagram post. This claim was made after the managing brothers Hadi and Mahdi parted ways with the bodybuilder, allegedly due to Choopan firing the Parsafar brothers." - (G.I.)


People in this day in age, 2020-2022, people are still utilizing Synthol. 

"People are still using Synthol to this day, it's a very commonplace thing in the IFBB."

Synthol is still POPULAR. It's still BEING used in Major IFBB competitions WHICH BLOWS MY MIND. Recently, a Major, Very popular Bodybuilder named, Hadi Choopan, was one of the recent Bodybuilders that is being targeted for Synthol use.


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