With these Powerful Herbs, you will notice an Increase in Strength, Stamina, Endurance and Muscle Building. These herbs are studied well and have been used by us humans for thousands of years. Check them out!


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) belonging from family Solanaceae also known as Indian Ginseng since it imparts remarkable physical strength. It is considered as Rasayana drug used to improve youthfulness and longevity. It possesses adaptogenic and anti-stress properties thus boost mental health. Ashwagandha is an important Indian medicinal plant used for the treatment of various health ailments including anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, menstrual problems and hypothyroidism

General health benefits of Ashwagandha

  • Enhances brain function and improves coordination of the nervous system.
  • Promote reproductive system and boost sexual activities.
  • Calm mental anxiety and imparts relaxation
  • Improves immunity thus prevents common infections.
  • Acts as an anti-oxidant agent thus prevent radical induced tissue damage.
  • Role in body building
  • Ashwagandha can be used as natural health supplements for bodybuilders due to its Rasayana or rejuvenator effect.
  • It prevents symptoms of early aging thus reduces effects of degenerative process and maintain physical strength even in elderly person.
  • It enhances fertility and sexual desire that boosts psychological confidence.
  • Enhances circulatory process of body therefore maintain nutritional supply thus helps in body building.
  • It balances Agni thus maintain growth and development of physical composition of body.
  • Pathological progression of diseases can hamper physical strength of person due to the vitiation of
  • Doshas, Ashwagandha establishes synchronization amongst the Doshas and prevent pathological invasion of general diseases therefore helps to restore normal physical strength.
  • It empower cardio function require to perform physical activities thus restore physical vitality and energies require to perform exercise or Yoga.
  • Ashwagandha relaxes smooth muscle which is prerequisite after performing physical exercise for body building purpose.
  • The stimulation of thyroid function support physical strength thus helps in process of body building.
  • It suppresses level of stress hormone cortisol thus prevent dullness and lethargy.
  • Ashwagandha increases testosterone thus helps to promote muscle growth.

Tribulus Terrestris 

 (Tribulus terrestris)

Gokshur or Gokharu (Tribulus terrestris) belongs from

  • family Zygophyllaceae used as aphrodisiac, diuretic,
  • anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, cardiotonic,
  • hepatoprotective, antibacterial and anthelmintic, etc.

It posses Madhura Rasa, Guru Guna, Sheeta Veerya, Madhura Vipaka thus offers following biological effects  Vrusya (sexual stimulant)  Brumhana (Nourishing)  Vatanut (pacifies Vata) 

Role in body building 

  • Gokharu acts as a cardio-tonic thus boost energy supply to perform exercise require for bodybuilders. 
  • Treat sexual dysfunction and maintain physical strength.  Restore liver functioning hence helps in digestion thus boost the process of growth and development. 
  • It balances metabolic activities, therefore, balances the anabolic and catabolic processes. 
  • It enhances muscle growth & body mass.  Elevate level of testosterone and androsterone hormones requires physical energy and strength.  Improves anaerobic muscle power thus restores energy required for physical activities. 
  • Boost immunity thus maintains normal health status and reduces loss of disease-induced physical strength. 
  • Improves youthfulness and reduces degenerative effects of aging. 

Mode of action in bodybuilding 

The presence of phytochemicals (Saponins) helps to boost testosterone levels and protodioscin promotes nitric oxide release resulting increases oxygen flow to blood and muscles thus enhanced consumption of nutrients and protein by body tissues. Increases physical stamina during workout and muscle recovery after physical exercise. Stabilizes adrenal system and hormonal balances require for physical activities. 

The presence of plant flavonoid; Icariin facilitates the transmission of nitric oxide thus boost the circulation of testosterone to enhances overall physical strength and body building capacity. These constituents increases muscle mass, enhances muscular pump and boost stamina. These drugs prevent binding of free testosterone to protein (sex hormone-binding globulin) therefore elevates levels of freely circulating testosterone. Regulates functions of serotonin thus improves feeling of well being that imparts confidence and helps in body building.

Gokshura rich in Protodioscin which helps in bodybuilding since it promotes flow of oxygen to the tissue and stimulates pituitary gland leading to the enhanced level of testosterone that significantly support muscle building.

Click here to View Tribulus Supplement



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