Should You Be Lean All the time?

 Is being Lean Safe or Harmful?

Being lean requires a low body fat percentage 

Body Fat Percentages (Physiques) 8-12 = lean / Anything above is bulk/fat.

To acquire such low body fat, calorie manipulation is involved. It can be safe or dangerous, depending on if you have the knowledge and/or experience in this field.

Manipulating calories or physique is hard and intense; it can take a toll on your mental and physical health. And performance may be hindered. Typically, people who are lean have around 7-12% body fat. That's lean. Anything above is considered a chub. Staying lean year-round isn't ideal for most people. As mentioned, it may impact your mental or physical health over time. The human body does not like to be in extreme situations when you're lean and ripped. Sure, you may feel fine and good, but over time, it's not that healthy for the body. If you're receiving all the nutrients your body needs, that'll help with most issues people face when it comes to being lean (foggy minded, loss of energy, etc). But being lean is meant for those who are willing to be dedicated to this type of journey. It's complicated to stay lean consistently. You're essentially starving yourself because you're in a such calorie deficit, it's hard to even endure. But of course, you can and will adapt to this over time, but it'll come with a hell of an experience. 

Pros and Cons of being lean


  • - You look good
  • - May attract women who like lean guys
  • - You look muscular
  • - People may admire
  • - It shows hard work


  • - Loss of nutrients/becoming malnourished
  • - You may feel like crap
  • - Lowered Performance (Strength).
  • - Building muscle may be hindered.
  • - Women may not like the ripped physique (women don't always prefer lean guys)
  • - It's complicated to stay consistent with being lean
  • - It requires willpower

Lean vs Bulk

Lean is when you are muscular with low body fat. This will show your physique very well. Somewhat known as a beach body, a person with abs, v-tapered midsection, and a nice build is considered lean, whereas bulking, is when you're gaining mass overall. Muscle and fat to be big. Most people admire the lean ripped physique because it's more appealing I'd say. However, most people don't always like it. Women, don't always prefer that type. So, if your goal is to become lean for a girl, it may not work lol. But if you're wanting a nice beach bod, becoming lean is one of the requirements. 

Health outcome:

When it comes to being lean, it does not mean to starve yourself. This is a complex diet you must acknowledge every day. Since you're going to be in a calorie deficit, it's going to be much harder to obtain all your nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. So it's important to supplement anything that is necessary (vitamins/minerals) and eat healthy as possible. Hydrate is important too.

Many people face malnourishment due to low-calorie intake, and perhaps having a restrictive diet. When you restrict nutrients, it's not good overall for your health. The body needs all macro and micronutrients to perform at it's best. When neglecting carbs, for example, you're low on energy and will endure side effects (until your body adapts). But as a result, people may become sick, ill, and feel like dog Sh*t. For some, it's easy to cope with, and for others, it can be dangerous. Serious malnourishment is no joke, and it can be deadly. Staying lean for a couple of months is okay if you're doing it properly, but year-round, I wouldn't advise doing so. Make sure you're keen on your nutrients and have a well-rounded diet in place to avoid any health complications. 


Don't stay lean for a long time, it may impact your health if you aren't prioritizing nutrients. Neglecting nutrients over time will make you malnourished resulting in decreased performance and recovery (and mental health is affected). Have a routine; Lean and Bulk. Lean During the Summertimes, and bulk when winter is approaching. These are the typical cycles of (Shredding and Bulking) changing people's physique; Lean in the summer, bulk during winter. This gives the body, or the person a break - a mental and physical break. Because when you're dieting for a prolonged time, it takes a toll on your mental health and your body (depending on how you approach this diet), so by bulking during the winter, you have a chance to relieve all of that pressure and stress from dieting, making you feel at ease. Always make sure you're receiving all of your nutrients, staying hydrated, and stay consistent with healthy eating. 

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