7 Fitness, Health, Nutrition Q&A - From Online (Quora)

Today, I'm going to find the most frequently asked questions from the internet (Quora.com) and will be giving you the answers, based on my experience and knowledge. If you find it helpful, please share with others, to your social sites & keep asking your questions.

7 Fitness Q&A That I Find You Must Understand

Part One;

Part Two:

How do I gain muscle without fat?

- To gain muscle without getting fat is pretty difficult. You have to understand how your body works, and you must have the knowledge to go about this. To develop muscle without gaining fat must be done by calorie & macro manipulation, however, it's a slow process for building muscle & losing fat at the same time.

Why should someone start working out regularly?

- When you workout, it helps the body to maintain a healthy outcome. When inactive for a prolong time, your body begins to break-down, known as a catabolic state which happens when your body isn't receiving any stimulus to the muscles/body. It's important to stay active to keep everything running smoothly, it'll help keep your heart functioning, pumping fresh blood, and it'll help with muscle and bone strength.

What are good exercises for lower belly fat?

- 1) Lying leg Raises | 2) Scissors | 3: Mountain Climbers

Is a 1-day workout enough to build muscle?

- To build muscle, you need progressive overload. When you workout for ONE DAY, I Highly doubt that you're training intensely for growth. People, athletes & Bodybuilders tend to train the same muscle group 2x a week, so for example, biceps on Monday and another bicep workout session on Thursday/Friday. You have to rest about a day or two to fully recover from sessions. If your goal is to tone up your body and promote a healthy outcome, one day workouts are fine, but if you're wanting to grow mass, etc, one-day workouts won't cut the deal. You need consistency, and frequency to promote muscle growth and strength development.

How do you gain muscle mass quickly?

- To Gain muscle mass quickly, you must prioritize bodybuilding. First, you need a good and proper workout routine. Finding a good coach will help you go about this, or developing your own routine by experimenting with your workout routines, exercises, and regime. For example, you have to set aside certain days for recovery, you have to stay consistent with exercise to continue to promote an anabolic factor to grow, etc. Diet and nutrition must be proper, along with recovery. If you're lacking on your diet, nutrition and/or workout routine/regime, you won't grow as efficient nor quickly. Bodybuilding is a hard sport, especially when you don't know what you're doing or if you don't have the knowledge to go about this.

What are the best body workout techniques for cutting?

- The best way to "cut" weight from your body is

  • 1) Calorie Deficit. Consuming fewer calories at the end of the day; Must stay on this journey til you notice weight-loss.
  • 2) Exercising. HIIT is effective for weight-loss. Exercising will burn fat from your body.
  • 3) Diet/Nutrition - Eating Healthy, promoting a calorie-deficit, Eating foods that nourish your body
  • 4) Stimulants / Supplementations
  • Caffeine, for example, helps stimulate your body's metabolism, which is helpful for burning fat from your body. When caffeine is consumed, it'll have an effect on your body. Other stimulants and herbs can help with this case.

What mass-building weight lifting program do you recommend?

- I recommend heavy lifting, compound exercises and proper recovery, diet, and nutrition. When going about Compound lifts, it stimulates your whole body muscle-fibers because it's such a demanding lift to go about. It's not easy to perform compound lifts such as the deadlift, squat, bench, etc. It requires effort and stabilization. With proper recovery, diet, and nutrition, you'll promote recovery and better performance, thus leading to greater gains.

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Coming Soon

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Counting Macros: https://www.delicatenutrition.com/2020/02/counting-macros.html

How to Stay anabolic for muscle gains: https://www.delicatenutrition.com/2020/02/build-mucle-become-anabolic.html

TOP EXERCISES TO GET STRONG: https://www.delicatenutrition.com/2020/02/MUST-DO-EXERCISES.html

TIPS FOR BUILDING MUSCLE: https://www.delicatenutrition.com/2020/01/tips-for-building-muscle-bodybuilding.html

PREVIOUS FITNESS Q&A : https://www.delicatenutrition.com/2020/01/fitness-q-important-fitness-health.html

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