PitbullRuhl - Double Amputee - Proving people Wrong - CRAZY STRONG PERSON - Wheelchair Life

@pitbullruhl | Super Strength | Wheelchair Life | Crossfit

PitbullRuhl - Amputee -  Crazy STRONG

26 Year Old, Zach Ruhl aka @Pitbullruhl (Wheelchair user) was born with a deformity which lead to having BOTH of his legs amputated at the age of 2. His amputation didn't prevent him from going after his dreams. He went onto weightlifting while in high school to commit to football. (Crazy). From playing varsity football for C.E. King High School in Texas to winning a professional arm wrestling meet, He's managed to have success out of the competitive arena as well. He has opened up his personal training studio called DNA Athletics with his good friend David Pullen.

After a while on Social Media, he has gain fame from his videos and pictures. His showcase of his strength is outstanding to many viewers - many people actually believe his pulls are fake. His amputation doesn't stop him from what he loves. This just to prove that anyone, amputee's, Osteogenesis imperfecta, and others can do this. It is Possible. Determination and Will power will get you there.

Watch Him Pull A SUV!

Ruhl opened up his own CrossFit gym and offers free classes to anyone with a disability.
“I know it’s scary being in a wheelchair and going to a place and asking someone to train you – some people just don’t know what to do with something like that,” he says. “So I wanted to open up my gym for both.” He understands people's situation, he wants to help and support those who has disabilities and wanting to get better and stronger. No doubt he's a idol for all - he has attempted risky factors to show people his ability of super-natural strength.

 has inspired and motivated hundreds if not thousands of people including myself. I myself am a Wheelchair user but not due to amputation, but to a chronic illness "Osteogenesis Imperfecta." Ever since I've discovered Ruhl, I wanted to get as big and strong as him. His lifts, his ability, and his strength was amazing. Someday, I'll be as BIG and Strong as him. I look up to you Ruhl!

Watch PitbullRuhl Bench Press 500 POUNDS!

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