Build Your ABS - Ridiculously Hard Way

Build Your ABS

Ridiculously Hard Way
4 Tips To Define Your ABS

To define your abs, you must challenge yourself. Embrace the pain, endure the hate, see results. When it comes to training abs, it's hard enough when we hear the word "Abs." Many people cannot simply see there abs because it may due to TOO much Body Fat; essentially FAT covers muscle definition, so you need to lose fat. Losing body fat will reveal your abs much greater. But also, training is needed to define it.
In my experience, Ab training can be hard if you do not have the mind to muscle connection w/ your abs - it is crucial to always have a mind to muscle connection with every exercise you perform.

🔺Ridiculously Hard Way To Build ABS - 4 Tips 🔺

1) DragonFly's  - Dragonfly Ab workout are one of an amazing exercise for your core/abs. Only Advance users should perform this exercise. Performing this exercising is a BURN! My core, is on fire after performing these; If done correctly, you'll feel like you've done a ton of work.
Check out Dragonfly Video

2) Stomach Vacuums - Stomach Vacuums are one of my favorite ways to have a tight core/abs. I've gain this knowledge from my favorite online person - Rich Piana. Rich always done stomach vacuums for a tight tummy. After performing this exercise for a while, you'll develop a tight, washboard ABS/core.
Stomach vacuums
Frank Zane Vacuum Pose

3) Russian Twists - An Exercise that I ALWAYS incorporate into my workout regime: Russian Twists strengthens all parts of your abdominals, including your obliques, for a toned waistline and a stronger back. Hold your hands together -  twist the torso to the left and bring the your hands beside the left hip. Return to center, and then slowly twist to the right and bring your hands-beside the right hip to complete one rotation.  (Can be used w/Weights *Dumbbell*)
Russian Twists

4) Bicycle Kicks Also one of my favorite Ab exercise - Bicycle Kicks tends to work the lower abs more -  keeping your legs off the ground works the lower abs; Keeping your legs flat, on the other hand, works the middle abs. Make sure to keep your core tight and feel the squeeze as you're performing this exercise. This exercise helps me define my abs very well.
Bicycle Kicks
Bicycle Kicks (@beafree)

Sculpting your abs require hard work and consistency. I recommend training abs at least 1-2x per week (depending on your goals). There's many forms of variation for ab exercises/core tightening exercises; These Exercises that I provided above are the ones that I mainly do to achieve ABS. You must also have a low body fat to reveal/show your abs. With these exercises, in no time, if consistent, you'll define and reveal your abs. Good luck! 

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